How the Democrats rule online, Part #94295931

Yesterday I posted to FreeRepublic exhorting people to visit Time's Swampland and discredit house hacks Joe Klein, Karen Tumulty, and Ana Marie Cox, saying in part (link):

...almost all of the posts read like something from DailyKos, and almost all of the comments do as well... But, there's something you can do about it: sign up to post comments (it's free and easy) and then when they post something that's in error, point it out. The goal is to discredit Time's "reporters", so the comments have to show how those "reporters" are wrong...

A few people were interested in the idea. However, others said variants on the following:

I pushed back long ago by cancelling a subscription that had run for mre than 20 years... Vote with your dollars, people.

That itself is a variant on the old, "if you don't like the show, change the channel" argument. It ignores the fact that millions of people are not changing the "channel", and thus the "channel" has a great deal of influence. Simply turning off the "TV" won't lessen the impact on others. That's especially important to note in cases like this when the "channel" isn't telling the whole truth.

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