julia preston
Julia Preston of the New York Times
Summary (posts follow):
Julia Preston is an immigration reporter for the New York Times (Twitter: @JuliaPrestonNYT). See the entries below for several examples of how her reporting isn't credible.
Last modified Sep 7, 2014
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Dara Lind of Vox shows GIGO on Trump's policies - 09/06/16
Dara Lind of Vox Media offers [1] the following, which would be hilarious if it weren't so sad:
Jeh Johnson's empty pledge to keep unaccompanied children from coming here illegally - 05/18/14
Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson is engaged in the policy equivalent of doublespeak: he claims he wants unaccompanied children not to enter the U.S. illegally, but at the same time his other policies encourage a mad rush for the border.
Another misleading Public Religion Research Institute immigration poll (Saperstein, Preston, CNN) - 11/25/13
The Public Religion Research Institute describes itself in the highest terms possible [1]:
Julia Preston promotes Dayton looking the other way on illegal immigration (Ohio, headscarves) - 10/07/13
In the New York Times, immigration reporter Julia Preston offers a cookie-cutter article that follows the Crooked Town Story model. In those types of stories, a town that's supposedly in bad shape decides to look the other way on our immigration laws and - presto chango! - the town becomes a bustling hub of commerce.
What Julia Preston won't tell you about the DREAM Act (DREAMers, New York Times) - 12/01/12
Foreign citizens who are here illegally are aggressively agitating to change our laws to suit them, even though those changes will harm U.S. citizens. And, Julia Preston of the New York Times is doing her best to help those foreign citizens.
Julia Preston can't or won't follow the money and power (Mark Shurtleff, New York Times, immigration) - 06/15/12
In April, Julia Preston of the New York Times offered "A Die-Hard Conservative, but Not on Immigrants" [1] about Utah's former Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, a supporter of illegal immigration.
Obama voting push: relaxes Green Card wait time for illegal alien family members (Luis Gutierrez) - 01/06/12
From this:
Obama administration officials announced on Friday that they will propose a fix to a notorious snag in immigration law that will spare hundreds of thousands of American citizens from prolonged separations from immigrant spouses and children.
ICE refusing to deport illegal alien students (John Morton, DREAM Act) - 08/09/10
Julia Preston of the New York Times offers this:
The Obama administration, while deporting a record number of immigrants convicted of crimes, is sparing one group of illegal immigrants from expulsion: students who came to the United States without papers when they were children.
In case after case where immigrant students were identified by federal agents as being in the country illegally, the students were released from detention and their deportations were suspended or canceled, lawyers and immigrant advocates said. Officials have even declined to deport students who openly declared their...
DHS IG report criticizes 287g program; administration attempting to undermine it? - 04/05/10
Julia Preston of the New York Times offers "Report Faults Training of Local Officers in Immigration Enforcement Program" (nytimes.com/2010/04/03/us/03immig.html), referring to the 287g program:
State and local police officers who enforce federal immigration laws are not adequately screened, trained or supervised, and the civil rights of the immigrants they deal with are not consistently protected, according to a report released Friday by the Department of Homeland Security inspector general.
The report by the departmentβs internal watchdog was a sweeping review of a program run by...
RNC's Michael Steele supports amnesty at meeting with far-left, Mexico-linked groups - 04/01/10
Two days ago I posted a notice that Michael Steele of the RNC was going to meet with extremist and Mexico-linked illegal immigration supporters and urged others to contact him suggesting that he handle the meeting in the correct way [1]. Not surprisingly, Steele handled the meeting in the completely incorrect way (link):
According to a news release put out by the activists [2], he said he would try and recruit Republican support for comprehensive immigration legislation.
The RNC says he made no such commitment. The immigration activist who led the meeting said he did, but then [Steele]...
"Temporary" Protected Status for Haitian illegal aliens pushed by profiteers (Haiti earthquake) - 01/14/10
[TPS has been approved; see the update below]
Yesterday, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security suspended repatriations of illegal aliens from Haiti; that makes some sense as long as it's actually temporary. What doesn't make sense are the calls from some to give "Temporary Protected Status" in the U.S. to Haitian illegal aliens. The word "temporary" is generally a misnomer as that status is renewed over and over.
TPS would be an infected band-aid that wouldn't fix Haiti's structural problems and in some cases would result in importing Haiti's problems into the U.S. It would...
Julia Preston of NYT hides fact that some states will lose House seats if all Hispanics counted in Census - 12/23/09
Julia Preston of the New York Times offers "Latino Leaders Use Churches in Census Bid" (link) which discusses the possibly sacreligous poster used by the Mexico-linked NALEO to promote participation in the Census by Latinos, specifically illegal aliens.
While that part of the story is fairly rote, she also discusses how some states will gain House seats if all Hispanics are counted. What she fails to tell her readers is that some states will lose House seats at the same time. It can't be assumed that all or most of her readers will know that, and it's more than a bit curious why she only...
Roundup of legal and illegal immigrant coverage by Obamacare - 11/04/09
Julia Preston of the New York Times has a roundup of the current state of Obamacare as it relates to coverage of legal immigrants and illegal aliens here. While near the beginning she does try to pretend that the Democrats wants to prevent illegal aliens from receiving benefits, she also includes quotes from those working to stiffen the identification requirements and correctly pointing out what the Democrats are trying to do. Per her, the battle now is over whether legal immigrants will be covered immediately or whether they'll have a waiting period. She also includes this:
"You can either...
Obama admin preparing USCIS for amnesty (millions of visas, comprehensive immigration reform) - 10/03/09
Per this, the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) is getting ready in case the Obama administration is able to pass comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty:
Currently, the citizenship agency can handle applications from about six million immigrants a year, (USCIS head Alejandro Mayorkas) said, including the time-consuming collection of fingerprints and other biometric identity information. Under some plans for legalization, the agency might receive that many applications in a few weeks.
An example of the planning, Mr. Mayorkas said, is an effort to improve the...
25% fewer Mexicans entered U.S. due to economy last year; NYT admits to jobs magnet - 05/15/09
For what it's worth, Mexican government data shows that 226,000 fewer people - a 25% drop - left Mexico to work in other countries in the year ending in August 2008 ("Mexican Data Say Migration to U.S. Has Plummeted" by Julia Preston of the New York Times, link):
The trend emerged clearly with the onset of the recession and, demographers say, provides new evidence that illegal immigrants from Mexico, by far the biggest source of unauthorized migration to the United States, are drawn by jobs and respond to a sinking labor market by staying away... "If jobs are available, people come," said...
2009 immigration marches get tea party-level turnout (actually even less) - 05/01/09
The 2009 marches in support of illegal immigration are getting a turn-out roughly equivalent to that of the tea parties or less. For the high side of figures, turn to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement at fairimmigration.wordpress.com
Change to Win, AFL-CIO join to push immigration "reform"; ditching big business; labor commission - 04/14/09
Julia Preston and Steven Greenhouse of the New York Times offer 'Immigration Accord by Labor Boosts Obama Effort" (link).
Obama will bring back amnesty this fall (immigration "reform"). What you can do about it. - 04/08/09
Julia Preston of the New York Times offers (link, with help from Jeff Zeleny) the not-incredibly-surprising news that Barack Obama will try to push comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) this year. See the last link for the massive problems with that scheme.
The legislation might be introduced in the fall; in May Obama will speak about this and then during the summer they'll lobby the DC establishment to get behind the plan.
According to Cecilia Munoz - a former National Council of La Raza hack now with the administration - it will be framed as "policy reform that controls immigration...