lee fang
lee fang: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Lee Fang of ThinkProgress outrageously lies - 09/28/09
Lee Fang of ThinkProgress offers "Right-Wing Conference Tells Activists To Get Their Guns Ready For ‘Bloody Battle’ With Obama The Nazi" (link). Fang continues ThinkProgress' long habit of lying, and in this case it's especially despicable.
Lee Fang of ThinkProgress misleads about Obama citizenship issue - 06/23/09
Discussing a bill that would require presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate showing they're eligible, Lee Fang of ThinkProgress offers a volley of misleading statements at thinkprogress.org/2009/06/23/gop-birther-bill:
Clueless: Lee Fang of ThinkProgress doesn't even understand how liberals play the race card (Steele comments) - 05/27/09
Lee Fang of the Center for American Progress' ThinkProgress site offers "Days After Steele’s Racist Attack On Obama, C-SPAN Airs Video Of Steele Denouncing Racism" (thinkprogress.org/2009/05/27/steele-racism-malcolmx) about two recent sets of comments made by RNC chairman Michael Steele. The first set is discussed here; the second here. See both links for the context. Of the first, Fang says:
...last week, Steele employed the same "rotten" racist stereotypes to attack President Obama. ThinkProgress reported that Steele suggested that Obama won the presidency because of his race. “He was not...
ACORN doesn't need to sabotage the tea parties, they're doing a bang-up job on their own - 04/06/09
The latest news from deep inside Galt's Gulch - home to the last 300 organizers of the tea parties - is that ACORN is trying to sabotage the "parties" [1]. There's certainly the possibility that they might be doing that, but they don't need to for at least a couple reasons: