hr4437: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
2006: George Will supports amnesty, guest workers; misleads with false choice; "unlimited" skilled immigration - 07/03/11
On March 30, 2006, George Will offered "Guard the Borders--And Face Facts" ( ), which was designed to support George W Bush's push for comprehensive immigration reform.
2006: Grover Norquist supported amnesty with U.S. CofC, far-left ACLU, NCLR, SEIU, NIF, USCCB, AFL-CIO - 04/09/09
On January 12, 2006, the American Bar Association held a conference called "Fortress America: Comprehensive Immigration Reform" at the National Press Club in Washington DC in support of that "reform" and specifically in opposition to HR4437.
Latino leader came to forefront from shadows - 09/05/07
Arizona Republic/Daniel Gonzalez/[[September 4, 2006]]/ link
Roberto Reveles seemed to pop out of nowhere when he emerged as leader of the massive immigration reform demonstrations that rocked Phoenix in the spring.
Juan Salgado letter to Vicente Fox - 02/22/07
The following letter was sent by Juan Salgado - president of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - to Mexican president [[Vicente Fox]]. URL:
Hundreds Meet to Launch New Immigrant Rights Alliance - 02/20/07
Socialist Action/Jason Cain & Wayne McElyea/September 2006/ link
Reveals that "a number of delegates" to the National Immigrant Rights Strategy Convention had "close ties" to Mexico's PRD party. Rep. Luis Gutierrez - a member of the U.S. Democratic Party - attended and spoke at that convention.
Darryl Fears: the Democratic line on immigration - 11/20/06
Darryl Fears of the Washington Post offers "Republicans Lost Ground With Latinos In Midterms". As might be expected, it's so full of misleading statements, superficial analysis, hidden agendas, and hidden assumptions that a full treatment would be novel-length:
...Latinos [gave] the GOP only 30 percent of their vote as strident House immigration legislation inspired by Republicans and tough-talking campaign ads by conservative candidates roiled the community. It was a 10-point drop from the lowest estimated Latino vote percentage two years ago, and a 14-point drop from the highest...
Banks worried about being called felons just because they may have aided and abetted illegal aliens - 05/09/06
The Chicago Tribune's "Immigrant bill worries banks" from Becky Yerak informs us that officers of banks that give home loans to illegal aliens are worried about being named as felons if HR4437 passes.
As discussed below [1], if a bank knows that someone is here illegally, and then gives them a home loan that allows them to stay here illegally, hasn't that bank committed a felony under current law?
Illegal immigration supporters split over May 1 boycott - 04/20/06
Rachel Swarns of the New York Times informs us in "Immigrant Groups Plan Campaign to Bring Legal Changes" that:
1. There's a split among illegal immigration supporters. Some groups continue to support the "Great American Boycott of 2006", while others, including those in the "National Capital Immigration Coalition", oppose the boycott.
2. The illegal immigration-supporting groups plan to "transform the immigrant community into a powerful, organized political force" and plan to encourage voting by "immigrants".
Regarding the second, "immigrants" can't vote. Only native-born or naturalized...
Cardinal Roger Mahony admits to exaggerating about HR4437 - 04/13/06
In an interview with a Catholic newspaper Cardinal Roger Mahony as much as admitted that he's been misrepresenting HR 4437:
[interviewer:] Giving a sandwich to a hungry man could theoretically be a criminal act.
Illegal aliens march in Chicago, get support from Blago, Gutierrez, local media - 03/10/06
Up to a few hundred thousand illegal aliens and their supporters marched for immigration "reform" in Chicago earlier today. Among those supporters are the local news media and politicians. The news media took the opportunity to send out their ethnically-biased reporters who offer some rather non-journalistic propaganda.
Illegal aliens, supporters to protest in Washington - 03/01/06
Illegal aliens and their supporters are agitating for more rights inside our country, and thousands will be visiting Washington DC in March.
Thousands of pro-immigration advocates will protest next week at the U.S. Capitol against a bill that they fear would result in fines or jail time for operators of businesses, churches, day-laborer centers and other facilities that help illegal aliens.
The National Capital Immigrant Coalition (NCIC), an umbrella for about 40 immigrant-advocacy groups, says the bill -- HR 4437 -- is "anti-immigrant."
The measure is expected to come before the Senate...
CASA of Maryland worried Sensenbrenner bill will shut their day laborer centers - 01/04/06
In case you had any doubts about HR 4437, this might slightly allay them:
Kim Propeack, spokeswoman for CASA of Maryland Inc., said her group's day-laborer centers "and other worker centers would in a large part be forced to shut down" if a bill offered by U.S. Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. becomes law...
..."The majority of workers that use CASA centers are documented, but we will not become a pawn in the government's failed immigration laws," Miss Propeack said...
I guess that means some of their workers are not "documented", so I guess they do have something to fear. Too, too bad....