united farmworkers of america

united farmworkers of america: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Stephen Colbert shills for growers, supports bad policy in Congressional appearance (+rightwinger fail) - 09/24/10

Stephen Colbert testified before Congress earlier today and shilled for Big Agriculture and promoted bad, anti-American and anti-Mexican policy. And, the wider issue is also yet another example of failure by the rightwing commentariat, tea parties, and similar groups. 1. Coverage of Colbert's remarks is here and here. 2. Colbert is working with the United Farmworkers of America to promote their anti-American, pro-abuse TakeOurJobs effort. I've already written three posts about that effort, the latest was on Wednesday at that link. The two previous are here and here. 3. From his remarks: This...

Ask Stephen Colbert to oppose worker abuse, support American workers (testify before Congress) - 09/22/10

On Friday, TV comedian Stephen Colbert will be testifying before Congress and supporting a plan that runs down American workers and supports worker abuse. Please read the following and then contact him using the means below, asking him to support American workers and oppose worker abuse. The plan Colbert will be promoting is "TakeOurJobs.com", at which the United Farmworkers of America pretend to seek Americans to take farmworker jobs. * Colbert's plan is anti-American: The Colbert/UFW plan is anti-American: it falsely implies that Americans are unwilling and unable to take farmworker jobs....

Mike Thomas of Orlando Sentinel supports exploitation of farm workers to keep prices low (UFW's anti-American takeourjobs) - 07/14/10

Mike Thomas of the Orlando Sentinel offers "If illegal immigrants go, produce prices would skyrocket" (link), a breezy attempt to put a happy face on the United Farmworkers of America's anti-

Juliana Barbassa of AP promotes UFW's anti-American "joke" (yes, Americans do field work) - 06/25/10

Juliana Barbassa of the Associated Press offers "Immigrant farm workers' challenge: Take our jobs" (link) about a new satirical campaign from the United Farmworkers of America. The UFW's campaign is anti-American; if you aren't familiar with this story see the last link. This post only deals with Barbassa's treatment. She says: According to the Labor Department, three out of four farm workers were born abroad, and more than half are illegal immigrants. Apparently Jullianna Barbassa can't do math: that means that one out of four farm workers were born in the U.S., and somewhere between one...

UFW's anti-American satire: citizens should take illegal aliens' farmworker jobs (Stephen Colbert) - 06/23/10

The United Farmworkers of America are playing a cute, anti-American game (link): Take Our Jobs - please. That’s the message from the United Farm Workers union, which is turning the tables on Congress after years of inaction on comprehensive immigration reform. Through the campaign, United Farm Workers plans to push members of Congress to make a plea to constituents across the country: Put illegal immigrants out of work by working in the fields and packinghouses. ...The campaign “spotlights the immigrant labor issue and underscores the need for reforms without which the domestic agricultural...

Read about CIR ASAP: "Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009" (Luis Gutierrez) - 12/11/09

[A DISCUSSION OF SOME OF THE PROVISIONS IS HERE, AND MORE UPDATES ARE BELOW] On Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Rep. Luis Gutierrez will introduce an amnesty bill called the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009". His announcement (luisgutierrez.house.gov/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=1406) provides no details, however: 1. Details on the bill will be provided here when it becomes available; expect it to be a bit on the far-left side and expect it to not go very far, except perhaps if it's watered down. In the latter case it might present a problem. 2. The way...

Night of 1,000 Conversations (including 900 Useful Idiots) - 03/23/07

The "Rights Working Group" is trying to organize Moveon-style house parties throughout the U.S. on Thursday, April 5, 2007, supposedly to support due process in our immigration system. In fact, it appears to be a backdoor way to promote immigration "reform", aka a massive amnesty. And, some of the organizers lined up are linked to the Mexican government. Details here: rightsworkinggroup.org/?q=ConversationNight Their "one-pager" ( ; actually a two pager) includes a blurb from the Washington Post propaganda piece "Deporting a Model...

Coalition vows to defeat harsh immigration bill [HR 4437] - 01/20/06

From this: A U.S. coalition of business, labor unions and religious groups launched a campaign on Thursday to defeat a bill backed by Republicans that would turn some 11 million illegal immigrants into felons. The coalition of 24 organizations, many of which rarely agree on politics or economics, denounced the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month and called on the Senate to enact legislation to include a guest worker program and a path for illegal aliens to gain legal status. ..."We are extremely disappointed with the proposal that passed the House last month," said...

Jon Vessey, crops rotting in the fields, and pro-illegal immigration propaganda - 12/05/05

Jon Vessey is a California grower who's been quoted in a few recent articles about how crops will rot in the fields unless growers get more cheap labor to pick it. (UPDATE: see crops rotting in the fields). On 11/21, the WaPo featured him in "Shortage of Immigrant Workers Alarms Growers in West" (link), and today the Los Angeles Times features him in "Picking a Battle Over Shortage of Farmworkers" (link). And, he was apparently also featured saying similar things in Copley News Service and USA Today. And, the CSM article (link) I discussed in "America's produce industry is facing a crisis"...

Just 30 people set federal policy - 06/29/04

Imagine, if you will, a group of thirty people. Five groups of six people each will do. Keep that image in your mind: With agents clad in dark riot gear looking on, about 30 activists gathered outside the Border Patrol station in Temecula on Monday to protest recent immigration sweeps in Southern California. Meanwhile, thousands of U.S. citizens have phoned and emailed the DHS and other agencies in support of the sweeps. Yet, somehow, the illegal-alien-supporters win out. Odd, no? Perhaps it's because those in Washington are afraid being called names: "We're organized and we're ready to fight...