sonia sotomayor
Sonia Sotomayor
Justice on the US Supreme Court who'll be having a mostly negative impact on the U.S. for decades. Despite that fact, she was confirmed with little real opposition.
It wouldn't have been that difficult to cause her to withdraw after having been nominated to the Supreme Court, except few others gave it a try.
As far as the GOP was concerned, the fix was in from the beginning as they presented minimal opposition. Fox News and others harped on "wise Latina" but didn't go beyond that and weren't able to make her toxic to her supporters. And, the self-styled "patriots" in the tea parties said absolutely nothing about her.
All of that is despite the fact that her past memberships in the PRLDEF and the National Council of La Raza should have disqualified her.
If you don't like her positions, share the blame between Barack Obama *and* the tea parties, the GOP, and their helpers and enablers.