sean hannity
sean hannity: Page 1
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Daniel Hannan says "free movement of labour" will continue, despite Brexit. See who hyped him. - 06/26/16
From the Daily Mail [1]:
A leading Tory Brexiteer has insisted quitting the EU does not mean the numbers of people coming to Britain will be slashed - and claimed Vote Leave never said it would.
After a bitter referendum battle dominated by immigration, senior MEP Daniel Hannan insisted the Vote Leave campaign had only ever demanded control and not a specific number.
Conservatives lack competence to stop the "Knockout Game" - 11/21/13
In the "Knockout Game", a victim is knocked unconscious in a surprise attack. Most or all of the perpetrators are blacks and usually working in a group; most or all of the victims have been non-blacks. Victims have included the political class such as Matt Yglesias and Rep Grace Meng.
Conservative leaders who support Marco Rubio's amnesty (Hannity, O'Reilly, Norquist, Cardenas, Krauthammer...) - 01/22/13
This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative thought leaders (major pundits, media figures, organization heads, etc.) who support the form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) proposed by Marco Rubio.
Mitt Romney now says his "47%" comments were "completely wrong" - 10/05/12
Speaking on last night's Sean Hannity show, Mitt Romney attempted to walk back his earlier anti-American comments where he turned his back on half of America.
Now, Romney says (video below):
Rick Perry's unworkable immigration idea: work visas for illegal aliens (John King, CNN, secure the border) - 11/04/11
Rick Perry appeared on CNN's John King show yesterday and supported an unworkable plan: giving work visas to the millions of illegal aliens in the U.S.
Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity paid to promote FreedomWorks, AFP, Heritage (Koch, immigration) - 06/18/11
Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity are paid large amounts of money to promote groups like FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the Heritage Foundation.
Massey Energy "profoundly reckless" in mine disaster; Tea Party as useful idiots; Soros, U.S. Chamber - 05/22/11
In April 2010, an explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia claimed 40 lives. An independent investigation initiated by that state has found that the mine's operator - Massey Energy - was to blame for the tragedy and was "profoundly reckless" [1] [2].
There are also major political components to the tragedy:
1. Massey - led by their former CEO Don Blankenship - played a major role in West Virginia politics [3].
2. In September 2009, Massey sponsored the ""Friends of America Rally" which featured Ted Nugent, Hank Williams Jr, and Sean Hannity. The site
Sean Hannity smeared by undercover FBI "agent provocateur" (Hal Turner, Max Blumenthal, Amanda Terkel) - 08/21/09
According to his lawyer, Hal Turner - a white supremacist, blogger, and some kind of radio host who's currently charged with making threats against public officials in two states - was an FBI-trained "agent provocateur" from 2002 to 2007 (link).
Amanda Terkel of ThinkProgress' despicable smear of Sean Hannity - 06/24/09
In a post about white supremacist radio host Hal Turner being arrested by the FBI earlier today for making threats against judges, Amanda Terkel of ThinkProgress (run by the Center for American Progress) says (
As the Nation has pointed out, Turner has ties to Fox News’ Sean Hannity. In fact, Hannity has “offered his top-rated radio show as a regular forum for Turner’s occasionally racist, always over-the-top rants.” Hannity would also reportedly offer Turner “encouragement” to overcome his cocaine habit and “homosexual leanings.”
Bolding added...
Sleazy Jason Linkins smears Sean Hannity (Max Blumenthal) - 03/23/08
How sleazy is Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post? Sleazy enough to post this smear of Sean Hannity, linking him to white supremacist radio host Hal Turner. The latter apparently used to call in to Hannity's radio program; he claims he and Hannity were friends until Hannity's Program Director told him no more call-ins. Yet, if you do a find for the comment from PhilBoyceWABC on the HuffPost link you'll see that Turner's account of their friendship is more than a bit questionable.
Barack Obama and Reverend James Meeks (so far not another Jeremiah Wright) - 03/19/08
Sean Hannity is digging up dirt on yet another radical preacher linked to Barack Obama. This time it's Reverend James Meeks of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago, whose day job is as an Illinois state senator. However, this time around the links are a bit more tenuous than in the case of Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Here's Rev. Meeks:
He's also "the executive vice president of Jesse Jackson Sr.'s National Rainbow-Push Coalition" (link). That page says he's one of his religious advisors, but he's not listed on this document supposedly listing those advisors from December 2007. On the other hand, the...
WFMOJALI: Kyrsten Sinema (Minutemen as "domestic terrorists") - 01/19/07
Welcome to yet another premiere, this time of the new WFMOJALI feature. Those initials stand for "Working For Mexico, Or Just Acts Like It?" On the one hand I don't think it's that likely that those to be featured are actually being paid by that government. But, on the other hand, it's difficult to tell the difference between their actions and those that an actual Mexican agent would perform.
Let's kick it off with Arizona state representative Kyrsten Sinema, a member of the Democratic Party and a former Green. Back in 2005 she was part of an ACLU of Arizona team which were "monitoring" the...
Alan Colmes, immigration lightweight - 12/06/06
The "Immigration Watchdog" [1] appeared on Hannity & Colmes tonight to discuss reconquista matters. He needs to learn to filibuster a bit better, because liberal lightweight Alan Colmes was able to keep interrupting him and at the end mocked him over his mention of the North American Union.
Today's scary Sean Hannity picture - 11/12/05
Sure, Kim Kommando is a real kutie, but what's she doing with Bill Handel (KFI-AM), Sean Hannity (RNC-FM), and Matt Drudge (cyberspace)?