sanctuary cities
sanctuary cities: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Negotiating surrender: White House admits they want DACA amnesty, releases list of demands - 10/08/17
Donald Trump has now admitted that he's open to legalizing hundreds of thousands (or more) of DACA recipients, releasing a list of demands. Instead of fighting to stop amnesty, Trump has indicated he's open to negotiating the terms of surrender.
It doesn't matter that Dem leaders have already rejected his demands: he's a deal maker and he'll seek some sort of middle ground he and they could be happy with no matter how it will harm Americans.
His demands include (full document below):
How Jessica Vaughan of CIS harms the U.S. - 01/26/17
Jessica Vaughan is the Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies ("CIS") and she's now advising Donald Trump on immigration. The problem for the U.S.
GOP 2012 Platform on immigration - 08/29/12
The following are all of the excerpts in the GOP 2012 platform that mention immigration.
The entire text is available here:
Ted Cruz keeps saying the same things on immigration (attrition, amnesty) - 07/27/12
In Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, an ambassador visited an outpost for a few days, schmoozing with the locals. After he'd left, an official went to the leader of the outpost and said (paraphrasing), "we analyzed the ambassador's remarks, and he said absolutely nothing all the time he was here."
Texas Teaparty groups pressure Rick Perry on immigration (sanctuary cities) - 09/19/11
A few days ago, a coalition of tea party and conservative groups came out against an anti-illegal immigration bill. Now, for fair and balanced coverage, there's this (link):
Tea Party activists are promising to hold Rick Perry's feet to the fire over illegal immigration.
Immigration and Texas governor Rick Perry: a summary - 08/11/11
Tom Tancredo has a summary of Texas governor Rick Perry and immigration (link). All sixteen paragraphs point out ways in which Perry supports or enables illegal immigration, here are just the first five:
Mitch Daniels is weak on Indiana immigration bill, apparently only supports least effective parts - 04/13/11
Indiana state Senator Mike Delph is trying to pass an Arizona-style immigration bill in that state [1]. In an interview [2], Indiana governor Mitch Daniels opposes the part of the bill that would allow police to ask about someone's immigration status during a "lawful stop, detention, or arrest".
While it's not exactly clear what specific parts of the bill Daniels opposes and supports [3], he appears to oppose the other law enforcement-related parts of the bill. Those would allow police who have someone in custody to check their immigration status with the Department of Homeland Security. And...
Meg Whitman highlights how much she agrees with Jerry Brown, still misleads about immigration - 07/16/10
Meg Whitman offers "Americans must come together to address the problem of illegal immigration" (, [1]), which is basically a rewrite of the previous misleading Whitman editorial about immigration. Since the new editorial and the old one repeat the same lines, see that link for part of why she's misleading, and the below for additional reasons.
But, first, here's this admission that should be more than a bit shocking to many of the Republicans who chose her over Steve Poizner (bolding added):
In this race, my Democratic opponent, Jerry Brown, has said very little about most issues...
Jocelyn Fong of Media Matters misleads about immigration (Harold Hurtt, ICE) - 06/27/10
Former Houston police chief Harold Hurtt was recently named to a leadership position at ICE; see the backstory here.
68% oppose sanctuary cities, only 13% support; 49% think their funds should be cut - 11/05/09
From a Rasmussen immigration poll from last month (link):
68% of U.S. voters oppose the creation of sanctuary cities. Only 13% favor the creation of cities that give safe haven to illegal immigrants. Nineteen percent (19%) are not sure.
Forty-nine percent (49%) say federal and state government funds should be cut off to cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants. Thirty-three percent (33%) disagree and oppose any funding cutoff. Eighteen percent (18%) arenβt sure.
Fifty percent (50%) of voters say sanctuary policies that protect illegal immigrants lead to an increase in crime. Just...
Meg Whitman spouts amnesty talking points (California governor candidate) - 10/29/09
Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman is apparently like a talking doll you might find on that site, except in this case she says pro-business, pro-massive/illegal immigration talking points. Speaking at the border (link):
[She said] it is βsimply not practicalβ to deport the estimated 12.5 million illegal immigrants living and working in the United States. (note: see deportations false choice)
The candidate, 53, said the solution is to find a mechanism that allows them to live here legally. "Can we get a fair program where people stand at the back of the line (note: see immigration line), they pay a...
Yale Law students, Wishnie sue ICE over 2007 immigration raid (after Elm City card passed) - 10/28/09
Yale Law students - led by professor Michael Wishnie - are suing various current or former ICE (part of the Department of Homeland Security) officials and agents over a 2007 immigration raid in New Haven, Connecticut.
San Francisco supervisors overturn juvenile immigration reporting rule, complicate Newsom run - 10/21/09
From this:
The San Francisco board of supervisors voted Tuesday to overturn a city policy that has been at the center of a national debate over offering illegal immigrants sanctuary.
The policy, ordered by Mayor Gavin Newsom last summer, requires the police to contact Immigration and Customs Enforcement whenever they arrest a juvenile on felony charges who they suspect is in the United States illegally. Since the policy took effect last summer, more than 100 undocumented minors have been turned over to federal immigration authorities.
Mr. Newsom has said the ordinance is necessary to prevent...
Gavin Newsom runs for California governor; *highlights* SF as sanctuary city, helping corrupt banks, and more - 04/21/09
San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom has announced his candidacy for governor of California.
Tim Russert/MSNBC Democratic "debate" features journalistic incompetence - 09/26/07
The Democrats are offering yet another debate this evening, broadcast on MSNBC and featuring Tim Russert as moderator. He and a "reporter" from a Northeast TV network just asked the candidates whether they supported sanctuary cities. Then, Russert and the "reporter" just listened as the candidates blathered on. All of them supported sanctuary cities, with (of course) Kucinich and Gravel being the most extreme and the latter being the most incoherent.
The only thing Russert did was press them to answer the question; he didn't call them on any of the ensuing misleading statements nor did he...
Mitt Romney releases immigration policy document (er, kinda) - 09/19/07
Mitt Romney has released a momentous 70-page tome called "Strategy for a Stronger America" (link). It consists of ten sections about his various proposals. In rather large print, with lots of pictures. No footnotes for him!
The immigration section includes the following quote:
Houston reaffirms illegal aliens sanctuary policy - 07/28/05
Like Los Angeles, New York, (reportedly) Denver, and several other major cities (and terrorist targets) Houston has a sanctuary policy that prevents their cops from asking about someone's immigration status.
HPD Captain Bruce Williams explains how this works:
"If the citizen can come to us and know that we're going to take the information that they give us without looking into their status as an immigrant, then they're more free to come to us and talk about crime issues."
Councilman Mark Ellis is trying to change the policy:
"I am in favor of supporting what the Bush administration has asked...
"[MN Governor] Pawlenty Asks Cities To Rethink Immigration Ordinances" - 09/02/04
From this:
Minneapolis (AP) Gov. Tim Pawlenty has asked the city councils of Minneapolis and St. Paul to reconsider laws that limit situations in which police officers can ask about a person's immigration status...
Pawlenty asks each city to amend or repeal "an ordinance which effectively prohibits police officers from inquiring about immigration status if such an inquiry is the sole basis for questioning or detaining an individual."
"'Sanctuary' practice in Houston draws fire" - 08/07/04
From the Houston Chronicle [1]:
September 11 Commission member John Lehman Thursday criticized so-called "sanctuary" practices in Houston and elsewhere that restrict cooperation between local police and federal immigration officials as an invitation to terrorists looking to enter the United States.
"It is ridiculous that five cities in the United States do not allow local police to cooperate with the federal immigration service," said Lehman, visiting Houston to lobby for Sept. 11 commission report recommendations.