new york times
The New York Times: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Several reasons Frank Rich is wrong (Arizona immigration law edition #1) - 05/02/10
I haven't discussed a Frank Rich column here before, so let's start by showing several ways he's wrong in yesterday's "If Only Arizona Were the Real Problem" ( It's centered around that state's new immigration law, but it's a wide-ranging rant. Here are just some of the ways he's wrong):
Randal Archibold spreads disreputable rumor about Arizona immigration law - 04/27/10
One of the cute tricks that mainstream media reporters use is to have others make a point they want to make, without having to make it themselves. Usually, when someone makes a false statement that others might consider to be true, the job of a reporter is to provide contrary information.
Linda Greenhouse misleads, makes major error, supports bad public policy - 04/27/10
[UPDATE: The NYT prints a correction, see below.]
Will Dalia Sussman & Marina Stefan of NYT correct their false statement about Hawaiian officials? - 04/22/10
When making a bold statement of fact it's generally a good idea to get all your facts right. Dalia Sussman and Marina Stefan of the New York Times have definitely done the first, but they failed at the second. From "Obama and the ‘Birthers’ in the Latest Poll" [1]:
President Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961. A scanned image of his birth certificate released during the 2008 presidential campaign says he was, and Hawaii’s health director and its registrar of vital statistics have confirmed it.
Note the near-religious certainty of the first sentence, which is fitting: Dalia Sussman and...
Priorities: DOJ goes after college for requiring green card from legal immigrant - 04/17/10
Nina Bernstein of the New York Times offers "John Jay College Accused of Bias Against Noncitizens" (
The Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Friday against John Jay College of Criminal Justice, alleging that the school engaged in a pattern of job discrimination against noncitizens who were authorized to work.
The lawsuit, considered the department’s first in years to crack down on immigration-related discrimination against noncitizens, says the college violated provisions of immigration law by demanding extra work authorization from at least...
DHS IG report criticizes 287g program; administration attempting to undermine it? - 04/05/10
Julia Preston of the New York Times offers "Report Faults Training of Local Officers in Immigration Enforcement Program" (, referring to the 287g program:
State and local police officers who enforce federal immigration laws are not adequately screened, trained or supervised, and the civil rights of the immigrants they deal with are not consistently protected, according to a report released Friday by the Department of Homeland Security inspector general.
The report by the department’s internal watchdog was a sweeping review of a program run by...
RNC's Michael Steele supports amnesty at meeting with far-left, Mexico-linked groups - 04/01/10
Two days ago I posted a notice that Michael Steele of the RNC was going to meet with extremist and Mexico-linked illegal immigration supporters and urged others to contact him suggesting that he handle the meeting in the correct way [1]. Not surprisingly, Steele handled the meeting in the completely incorrect way (link):
According to a news release put out by the activists [2], he said he would try and recruit Republican support for comprehensive immigration legislation.
The RNC says he made no such commitment. The immigration activist who led the meeting said he did, but then [Steele]...
Mexican billionaire now owns 16.3% of the New York Times - 02/12/10
From this:
Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu isn't just one of The New York Times Co.'s creditors anymore -- he's now one of their biggest stockholders, according to a Security and Exchange Commission filing Friday... Slim exercised warrants for 15.9 million in Class A shares for a strike price of $6.3572 through his companies Inmobiliaria and GFI, raising his stake in the Times Co. to 16.3% from 6.9% at the time he was approached to loan a substantial sum to the venerable publisher... Slim got the warrants in January 2009 when he lent the Times Co. $250 million. The company said that that...
"Temporary" Protected Status for Haitian illegal aliens pushed by profiteers (Haiti earthquake) - 01/14/10
[TPS has been approved; see the update below]
Yesterday, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security suspended repatriations of illegal aliens from Haiti; that makes some sense as long as it's actually temporary. What doesn't make sense are the calls from some to give "Temporary Protected Status" in the U.S. to Haitian illegal aliens. The word "temporary" is generally a misnomer as that status is renewed over and over.
TPS would be an infected band-aid that wouldn't fix Haiti's structural problems and in some cases would result in importing Haiti's problems into the U.S. It would...
NYT, ACLU: government covered up deaths in immigrant detention facilities - 01/09/10
Nina Bernstein of the New York Times offers "Officials Hid Truth About Immigrant Deaths in Jail" (link):
Silence has long shrouded the men and women who die in the nation’s immigration jails. For years, they went uncounted and unnamed in the public record. Even in 2008, when The New York Times obtained and published a federal government list of such deaths, few facts were available about who these people were and how they died.
But behind the scenes, it is now clear, the deaths had already generated thousands of pages of government documents, including scathing investigative reports that were...
Ross Douthat's bogus "War Over California" (William Voegeli; immigration off establishment radar) - 12/24/09
Ross Douthat of the New York Times offers "The War Over California" ( He gets the first sentence right and then goes sharply downhill, offering a false choice between conservative parsimony and liberal free-spending.
Julia Preston of NYT hides fact that some states will lose House seats if all Hispanics counted in Census - 12/23/09
Julia Preston of the New York Times offers "Latino Leaders Use Churches in Census Bid" (link) which discusses the possibly sacreligous poster used by the Mexico-linked NALEO to promote participation in the Census by Latinos, specifically illegal aliens.
While that part of the story is fairly rote, she also discusses how some states will gain House seats if all Hispanics are counted. What she fails to tell her readers is that some states will lose House seats at the same time. It can't be assumed that all or most of her readers will know that, and it's more than a bit curious why she only...
Obama state dinner guests incl. Couric, Brian Williams, GE chairman, DreamWorks, NYT and WaPo reporters... - 11/24/09
A full list of those invited to tonight's White House state dinner - the one featuring arugula (no, really) - is here. In addition to a large number of Indian names that I don't recognize, here are some that seem more than a bit interesting:
Hospital program fails due to illegal alien care; Kevin Sack /NYT fails to report on proper policy - 11/21/09
Kevin Sack of the New York Times offers "Hospital Falters as Refuge for Illegal Immigrants" (link) about a hospital in Atlanta (Grady Memorial Hospital) that closed their outpatient dialysis clinic due to losing millions of dollars providing unreimbursed care to i
Paul Krugman promotes a WPA; why not simply enforce our immigration laws? - 11/06/09
Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman of the New York Times offers "Why not a WPA?" (link) in which he promotes - while maintaining plausible-to-his-followers deniability - the creation of something like FDR's Works Progress Administration:
You can make a pretty good case that just employing a lot of people directly would be a lot more cost-effective... So why aren’t we doing this? Politics, of course: government is the problem, not the solution, even when it is, you know, the solution, and cheaper than running things through the private sector... Still, it might be worth discussing...
Roundup of legal and illegal immigrant coverage by Obamacare - 11/04/09
Julia Preston of the New York Times has a roundup of the current state of Obamacare as it relates to coverage of legal immigrants and illegal aliens here. While near the beginning she does try to pretend that the Democrats wants to prevent illegal aliens from receiving benefits, she also includes quotes from those working to stiffen the identification requirements and correctly pointing out what the Democrats are trying to do. Per her, the battle now is over whether legal immigrants will be covered immediately or whether they'll have a waiting period. She also includes this:
"You can either...
What Brian Stelter and the New York Times don't want you to know - 10/24/09
I rarely leave comments on the New York Times' blogs because they pre-moderate the comments and very few of mine have been approved. Whether the comments contain a link or not, they tend to point out how the author is wrong or isn't telling the whole truth, and in NYT land that's a no-no.
So it was on Thursday's "CNN’s Special on Latinos Stirs Protests Against Anchor" (link) by Brian Stelter. Readers of that post might assume that Isabel Garcia is just a "civil rights lawyer"; all he told his readers about her is at [1]. In fact, she's a very strong supporter of illegal immigration who,...
Gutierrez unveils immigration "reform" bill principles at Washington DC rally (RI4A, CHC,NCIC,religious leaders) - 10/13/09
Earlier today, supporters of comprehensive immigration reform held a rally in Washington DC. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Task Force) laid out outlines of a bill he'll supposedly be introducing later this year. The specifics aren't known but it will be very lax and probably won't include the "symbolic gestures" from the bill he co-authored with Jeff Flake. Others attending were Nydia Velazquez (Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus) and Mike Honda (Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus).
Per Ian Urbina of the New York...
Obama admin preparing USCIS for amnesty (millions of visas, comprehensive immigration reform) - 10/03/09
Per this, the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) is getting ready in case the Obama administration is able to pass comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty:
Currently, the citizenship agency can handle applications from about six million immigrants a year, (USCIS head Alejandro Mayorkas) said, including the time-consuming collection of fingerprints and other biometric identity information. Under some plans for legalization, the agency might receive that many applications in a few weeks.
An example of the planning, Mr. Mayorkas said, is an effort to improve the...
Immigration Policy Ctr: U.S. lost Olympic Games bid due to "anti-visitor policy", "broken immigration system" - 10/02/09
Today's "Tie Every Current Event to Your Agenda No Matter How Tenuously" award goes to the Immigration Policy Center, which blames the failure of the U.S. to bring the Olympics home to Chicago on our immigration policies (link). Per a press release:
"A litany of voices have been warning for years that the U.S. is slowly adopting an anti-visitor policy that is harming business, higher education and families... Stories in the press and report after report have all highlighted how our broken immigration system is hampering our nation's ability to attract the best and the brightest and stay...
Teen unemployment rate 25.5% in August 2009, highest since 1948. Can we enforce our immigration laws now? - 09/27/09
The unemployment rate among teenagers (ages 16 to 19) reached 25.5% in August 2009 (table here: That's the highest rate since 1948, the year the Department of Labor started keeping statistics.
David Herszenhorn of NYT misleads about ObamaCare - 09/10/09
David Herszenhorn of the New York Times offers "Check Point: Examining Obama’s Assertions" (link). He lists some of the things Obama was truthful and not truthful about in last night's speech; reviewing all of those for accuracy is left as an exercise.
New York Times now admits: "A Basis Is Seen for Some Health Plan Fears Among the Elderly" - 08/22/09
On August 13, Jim Rutenberg and Jackie Calmes of the New York Times offered "False 'Death Panel' Rumor Has Some Familiar Roots" (link):
The stubborn yet false rumor that President Obama’s health care proposals would create government-sponsored “death panels” to decide which patients were worthy of living seemed to arise from nowhere in recent weeks... Advanced even this week by Republican stalwarts including the party’s last vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, and Charles E. Grassley, the veteran Iowa senator, the nature of the assertion nonetheless seemed reminiscent of the modern-day...
Sources for DHS rightwing extremism report: ADL, SPLC, NYT, LAT, Dave Weigel... - 08/12/09
* A large number of links to the Southern Poverty Law Center, including [1]. That SPLC link is misleading for the reasons outlined here and here. That misleading claim made it into DHS's report.
Did Hawaii governor Linda Lingle verify that Barack Obama was born there? - 08/06/09
Various mainstream media sources have claimed that Hawaii governor Linda Lingle verified that Barack Obama was born in her state. At post time, that claim very strongly appears to be false. I've been trying to obtain a clear statement confirming that she never verified that Obama was born there from her office for over a week without success, and this post will be updated if they finally reply.
People for the American Way, TPM begin personal destruction campaign against Frank Ricci (what you can do) - 07/11/09
McClatchy reports that People for the American Way and perhaps other groups are "quietly" beginning a "politics of personal destruction"/"Joe the Plumber"-style campaign against Frank Ricci, the firefighter who'll be testifying at the Sonia Sotomayor confirmati
Some police chiefs support "reform", oppose 287g; Damien Cave/NYT misleads about immigration law - 07/02/09
Damien Cave of the New York Times offers "Big-City Police Chiefs Urge Overhaul of Immigration Policy" (link).
Wikipedia helps NYT hide truth about David Rohde kidnapping; "Reliable Sources" - 06/29/09
Late last year, David Rohde of the New York Times was kidnapped in Afghanistan and, in order not to increase his worth to his captors, the NYT worked with other news organizations to keep the news secret.
Sonia Sotomayor, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, and more quotes (on PRLDEF board for 12 years) - 06/13/09
This post will round up Sonia Sotomayor's involvement with the far-left, illegal immigration-supporting Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF), nowadays called "LatinoJustice PRLDEF". See below for some of the details on her involvement with that group and even more questionable quotes from her.
Sonia Sotomayor admits she was an "affirmative action baby"; said it's "critical that we promote diversity"; there are "cultural biases built into testing" - 06/11/09
If we could replace the GOP leadership with the Washington Post and the New York Times, we might be able to block Sonia Sotomayor.
David Letterman smears 14-year-old girl; *CBS*, New York Times cover for him - 06/09/09
This site tries to avoid the Outrage du Jour, preferring instead to concentrate on topics that are actually important.
NYT: Sotomayors Focus on Race Issues May Be Hurdle (laying the groundwork for her withdrawal?) - 05/30/09
David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times offers "Sotomayor’s Focus on Race Issues May Be Hurdle" (link). Kremlin watchers are invited to speculate on whether they're trying to get those issues out of the way now, whether they're trying to give her an easy pretext to withdraw, or something else.
Judge Sotomayor, whose parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico, has championed the importance of considering race and ethnicity in admissions, hiring and even judicial selection at almost every stage of her career — as a student activist at Princeton and at Yale Law School, as a board member of left-...
Republicans Mark McKinnon, Matthew Dowd sell GOP opposition to Sotomayor as anti-Hispanic - 05/26/09
As previously discussed, the New York Times and others are trying to pretend that opposition to Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the US Supreme Court is anti-Hispanic.
Sonia Sotomayor: affirmative action nominee for Supreme Court? Close to far-left Puerto Rico extremists? - 05/26/09
Judge Sonia Sotomayor is Barack Obama's choice to replace David Souter on the US Supreme Court. Weak GOP talking points are here; Peter Baker and Jeff Zeleny (remember him?) have the New York Times' take here.
Was she selected only because of her outstanding grasp of legal issues? Or, was at least part of the selection due to the fact that she's a woman and a Hispanic? Were there more qualified possibilities who didn't happen to fit the politically-friendly uniform? If so, then she is indeed an affirmative action pick, despite the many attempts to claim otherwise we'll be...
25% fewer Mexicans entered U.S. due to economy last year; NYT admits to jobs magnet - 05/15/09
For what it's worth, Mexican government data shows that 226,000 fewer people - a 25% drop - left Mexico to work in other countries in the year ending in August 2008 ("Mexican Data Say Migration to U.S. Has Plummeted" by Julia Preston of the New York Times, link):
The trend emerged clearly with the onset of the recession and, demographers say, provides new evidence that illegal immigrants from Mexico, by far the biggest source of unauthorized migration to the United States, are drawn by jobs and respond to a sinking labor market by staying away... "If jobs are available, people come," said...
Nina Bernstein, New York Times on immigration and mental illness - 05/04/09
Nina Bernstein of the New York Times offers "Mentally Ill and in Immigration Limbo" (link).
Hilarious: NYT publisher Pinch Sulzberger praises NYT investor Carlos Slim - 05/03/09
Time Magazine's "The 2009 TIME 100" features a blurb from New York Times publisher Pinch Sulzberger about Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim (link). The latter recently saved the NYT from bankruptcy by loaning them $250 million:
I recently had the great pleasure of meeting Carlos Slim. He had decided to invest in the New York Times Co. and thought it would be a good idea to get to know me and my senior colleagues. It was obvious from the moment we met that he was a true Times loyalist... ...for Carlos, insight and understanding are catalysts for action and accomplishment. This speaks to why...
2009 immigration marches get tea party-level turnout (actually even less) - 05/01/09
The 2009 marches in support of illegal immigration are getting a turn-out roughly equivalent to that of the tea parties or less. For the high side of figures, turn to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement at
Low-wattage radio, TV hosts say dumb things about Mexicans and swine flu; leftwing attacks in order to support illegal activity - 04/30/09
Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post offers "Swine Flu A Mexican Immigrant Conspiracy: Conservative Media (VIDEO)" (, linking to a Media Matters for America video apparently containing instances of conservative radio and TV hosts discussing the issue of Mexicans - speci
New DHS immigration raid guidelines: focus on employers, not employees - 04/30/09
Ginger Thompson of the New York Times offers "Immigration Agents to Turn Focus to Employers" (link):
In an effort to crack down on illegal labor, the Department of Homeland Security intends to step up enforcement efforts against employers who knowingly hire such workers.
Under guidelines to be issued Thursday to Immigration and Customs Enforcement field offices, agents will be instructed to take aim at employers and supervisors for prosecution “through the use of carefully planned criminal investigations.”
...[Employers won't like it, but] advocates who have long considered raids at work...