mitch daniels

mitch daniels: Page 1

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Teaparty leader Dick Armey now wants Mitch Daniels for president - 04/29/11

Teaparty leader Dick Armey of FreedomWorks has announced that Mitch Daniels would be the "perfect pick" for president (link, video here). Let's review:

Mitch Daniels is weak on Indiana immigration bill, apparently only supports least effective parts - 04/13/11

Indiana state Senator Mike Delph is trying to pass an Arizona-style immigration bill in that state [1]. In an interview [2], Indiana governor Mitch Daniels opposes the part of the bill that would allow police to ask about someone's immigration status during a "lawful stop, detention, or arrest". While it's not exactly clear what specific parts of the bill Daniels opposes and supports [3], he appears to oppose the other law enforcement-related parts of the bill. Those would allow police who have someone in custody to check their immigration status with the Department of Homeland Security. And...

Mitch Daniels' incredibly ironic CPAC speech (no immigration, but invasion) - 02/11/11

Current Indiana governor Mitch Daniels spoke at CPAC earlier today and gave a speech that's received rave reviews from such fellow worthies as Mary Katharine Ham of the Daily Caller (full text here). The speech concentrated on (no big surprise) spending rather than issues that are actually more important and more fundamental such as immigration. The speech didn't mention immigration at all. But it did include this incredibly ironic bit: If a foreign power advanced an army to the border of our land, everyone in this room would drop everything and look for a way to help. Yes, but which side...

Indiana gov. Mitch Daniels on immigration: not good, but not enough information for full picture - 02/26/10

Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is being mentioned as a fiscal conservative, policy wonk Republican candidate for president in 2012. Like most "fiscal conservatives", he appears to support massive/illegal immigration despite the costs involved and despite how it gives even more power to those on the other side from him.