"Police half-baked in Kerry protest?"
A Freep of MoveOn's bakesale for Kerry has made The Hill (scroll to 'Police half-baked in Kerry protest?'):
Police told a group of conservatives affiliated with FreeRepublic.com to cease a mock bake sale they held in front of John Kerry's D.C. campaign headquarters last weekend...
Not long after members of the group set up on the sidewalk, said Taylor, the Kerry people came out to try to get them to leave. "They hid behind building security," he said, "but every time security came out, the Kerry people were right behind them."
After a few minutes of back and forth, he said, one of the campaign workers said they'd call the police...
After police arrived some time later, there was some confusion as to why the group had to be moved. The people couldn't be ticketed for an improper protest, as they were under the 25-person threshold, said Taylor, nor were they selling anything.
The cops finally settled on a charge of "occupying a public space without a permit" due to the protesters' two card tables. Despite the protesters' request, cops refused to issue a $50 ticket.
"The Kerry people were outside monitoring it the entire time," Taylor said...
A report on the protest appears here.
The Kerry blog also deletes comments.