
freerepublic: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

RNC's Michael Steele supports amnesty at meeting with far-left, Mexico-linked groups - 04/01/10

Two days ago I posted a notice that Michael Steele of the RNC was going to meet with extremist and Mexico-linked illegal immigration supporters and urged others to contact him suggesting that he handle the meeting in the correct way [1]. Not surprisingly, Steele handled the meeting in the completely incorrect way (link): According to a news release put out by the activists [2], he said he would try and recruit Republican support for comprehensive immigration legislation. The RNC says he made no such commitment. The immigration activist who led the meeting said he did, but then [Steele]...

Sarah Palin resigning as Alaskan governor; what supporters can do - 07/03/09

Earlier today, Sarah Palin made the shocking announcement that she will be resigning as governor of Alaska (link). Unlike probably everyone else, I'm not going to bother speculating on her reasons, but instead on what her supporters can do.

Melanie Morgan "storms" Arlen Specter's office over stimulus bill, does nothing useful - 02/10/09

Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward offers "Why I stormed Sen.

FreeRepublic delivers to-be-ignored letter to Specter about stimulus - 02/09/09

Earlier today, a group of people from FreeRepublic including their leader Jim Robinson ("JimRob") presented a letter to Arlen Specter's office opposing the stimulus plan (link). - 02/12/05

Apparently there's been a purge over at and several posters have been banned. Those posters were also opposed to Bush's guest worker program. Did the bannings result from things like posting links to "fringe" sites like and, or has FR become just an echo chamber for BushBots? While some of the opinions at VDare are fringe, many are not. And, TeamAmericaPAC is associated with Rep. Tom Tancredo and Bay Buchanan. For point of discussion, what other group of people wants to silence Rep. Tancredo? Perhaps as a result of these bannings, there are now...

Just 8 hours until I can post at again - 12/14/04

Whaaaat? Your posting privilege has been suspended until 2004-12-15 05:46:18 Reason: You have a one day suspension. CLean up the language or you will be banned. #$@@! All I did was post this $#)(* quote from that #$(@*##*#(@# Nativo Lopez. As as I explained to the webmaster in an unanswered email, the quote wasn't from me. It was a quote from Nativo Lopez, and I provided the quote to point out Mr. Lopez' personality.

"Mexican ID opens doors for undocumented workers in U.S." - 02/21/03

I created a thread here about the Dallas Morning News article "Mexican ID opens doors for undocumented workers in U.S." (link). The subtitle of the article is 'Critics say 'matricula' is a tool to facilitate illegal immigration', which in a way summarizes the whole article: it's mostly pro-Matricula Consular, with a few anti-MC comments thrown in for a semblance of balance. Of particular note:

"Note to conservatives: Most immigrants aren't terrorists" - 02/19/03

The Reason Magazine article "Guilty by Association: Note to conservatives: Most immigrants aren't terrorists" is at [1]. I posted an excerpt from the article here [2], in the hopes of perhaps a letter or two being sent to Reasononline letting them know where they're wrong.