Just 8 hours until I can post at FreeRepublic.com again


Your posting privilege has been suspended until 2004-12-15 05:46:18

You have a one day suspension. CLean up the language or you will be banned.

#$@@! All I did was post this $#)(* quote from that #$(@*##*#(@# Nativo Lopez. As as I explained to the FreeRepublic.com webmaster in an unanswered email, the quote wasn't from me. It was a quote from Nativo Lopez, and I provided the quote to point out Mr. Lopez' personality.

Of course, this isn't the first time I've had a bit of a problem there. Some months ago I crossposted the post "The Feds threatened L.A. radio station KFI?" to FreeRepublic (freerepublic . com/focus/f-bloggers/1160808/posts). I posted it to their front page news section, but shortly after having received a few comments it was moved to the "bloggers & personal" section, which is much less frequented than the news section. Now why ever would they do that? As the first comment at my version of the post said, "The reason your posting on freerepublic was moved is because you posting something that is negative against the Bush Admin. Remember, it doesn't matter if they are conservative, all that matters is they have a R by there name."

UPDATE: I posted this there too, and it had two bad words as well. Now it's gone. But, hey, I can post again! I'm so fucking happy.