everify: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
ACLU controlling Obama policy? ("Transition Recommendations" wants most immigration enforcement halted, + much more) - 03/17/09
In November, the American Civil Liberties Union released "Actions For Restoring America: Transition Recommendations for President‐Elect Barack Obama" (aclu.org/transition) listing things they wanted him to do the first day, within the first 100 days, and within the first year. Several of their proposals would halt immigration enforcement to a great extent, pending "review".
Seventy-five House members demand: no stimulus jobs for illegal aliens - 03/11/09
Yesterday, seventy-five House members - Dem and GOP - signed on to a letter to House leaders demanding that they block illegal aliens from taking stimulus plan jobs: link.
E-Verify extended for six-months; Leahy, Reid block five-year extension - 03/10/09
A six month extension for the EVerify program was successfully added to the omnibus spending bill, but an amendment from Sen. Jeff Sessions to extend it for five years was blocked through the machinations of Patrick Leahy.
Obama budget 2010: healthcare reform reserve fund; $1.75 trillion deficit; e-Verify; blames GOP, Wall Street - 02/26/09
You can download a PDF containing Barack Obama's 2010 budget from here. John Boehner responds here, raising issues with taxing during a recession, the size of the deficit, and increasing the size of the federal government.
1. The budget puts us on the path to healthcare "reform":
The Budget establishes a reserve fund of more than $630 billion over 10 years to finance fundamental reform of our health care system that will bring down costs and expand coverage. The reserve is funded half by new revenue and half by savings proposals that promote efficiency and accountability, align incentives...
Andrew Rosenthal/New York Times wants stimulus money to go to illegal aliens - 02/15/09
The New York Times offers the editorial "Helping Workers in Hard Times" (link) in which they explicitly support stimulus plan jobs going to illegal aliens.
CBO: SAVE Act would have cost $40 billion over 10 years, incl. $30 billion for e-Verify (Tim Sparapani/ACLU lies) - 02/15/09
On April 4, 2008, the Congressional Budget Office - responding to a request from Rep. John Conyers - estimated the cost of H.R. 4088, the Secure America Through
Pro-illegal immigration groups oppose E-Verify for stimulus bill - 02/09/09
Stephen Wall of the San Bernardino Sun brings us the shocking news that "immigrant advocacy groups" oppose the use of the EVerify program as part of the stimulus plan (link):
Senate stimulus plan would provide jobs for up to 300,000 illegal aliens - 02/04/09
The U.S. Senate is always looking out for you, provided that you want billions of dollars from the stimulus plan to be spent giving a paycheck to illegal aliens. See this for the details from Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation:
The Senate stimulus bill would provide roughly $104 billion in funding for a variety of construction projects including highways, schools, and renovation of public housing. This funding will be spread over five to seven years. Normal government estimates indicate that each $1 billion spent on construction will create around 19,500 construction jobs, each lasting...
Hilda Solis to prefer labor enforcement to immigration enforcement? (Tyche Hendricks) - 02/04/09
Tyche Hendricks of the San Francisco Chronicle offers "Obama's labor secretary pick backs enforcement" (link); the title isn't as misleading as one might first think since Hendricks is referring to Hilda Solis's position on labor enforcement and not on immigration enforcement; Solis is especially weak on the latter. However, the goal of the article seems to be to try to sell us a new way for the Democrats to have their cake and eat it too:
President Obama's pick for secretary of labor, Rep. Hilda Solis, could help shape a new approach to immigration control that emphasizes the robust...
DHS immigration directive: goal is comprehensive "reform"; biometrics - 01/31/09
Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security has been issuing a series of directives in which she asked the various sub-agencies in the DHS to come up with reports on their future operations. She's finally gotten around to immigration matters: dhs.gov/ynews/releases/pr_1233353528835.shtm
E-Verify delayed pending "review" until April, May 2009 - 01/31/09
From this:
A notice published Friday in the Federal Registrar confirms that a program that would require federal contractors to ensure that their employees are legally authorized to work in the U.S. will be postponed by 90 days. The E-Verify system, an electronic internet-based system that enables employers to compare the names and Social Security numbers of new employees against a government database, won't become mandatory until May 21. According to the registrar, the postponement of the rule occurs "in order to permit the new administration an adequate opportunity to review the rule."...
Can illegal aliens get jobs or benefits under the Stimulus Bill? - 01/26/09
If there's any way to do it, the Democrats are going to allow funds from the Stimulus bill to go to illegal aliens, and the Republicans are going to allow funds to go to their employers. This post will be updated as the situation changes, but from page 15 of the 1/23/09 House Democrats version (readthestimulus.org/index.php?doc=hr1_text_0123&page=15):
SEC. 1114. REQUIRED PARTICIPATION IN E-VERIFY PROGRAM. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used to enter into a contract with an entity that does not participate in the E-verify program
That would seem to rule out illegal...
Hundreds arrested at Pilgrim's Pride plants (immigration raids, identity theft) - 04/16/08
Hundreds of illegal aliens and presumably others were arrested today at Pilgrim's Pride chicken processing plants in Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida, and West Virginia (link). The company participated in the E-Verify program and cooperated with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The arrests were for identity theft and document fraud in addition to being illegal aliens and/or criminal aliens.