civilian national security force
civilian national security force: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Jim McDermott's scary "Congressional Commission on Civic Service" (mandatory national service) - 03/25/09
Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott recently tried to add an amendment to the "GIVE Act" ("Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education", HR1388) that would establish a commission to study how the U.S. could establish a mandatory community service program. The "Congressional Commission on Civic Service" would study among other things:
GIVE til it hurts: House passes volunteerism expansion bill - 03/20/09
From this:
The House of Representatives passed a measure Wednesday that supporters are calling the most sweeping reform of nationally-backed volunteer programs since AmeriCorps. But some opponents are strongly criticizing the legislation, calling it expensive indoctrination and forced advocacy.
The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, known as the GIVE Act (HR1388) -- sponsored by Reps. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y, and George Miller, D-Calif. -- was approved by a 321-105 vote and now goes to the Senate.
The legislation, slated to cost $6 billion over five years, would...
"Civilian Expeditionary Workforce": possibly involuntary, possibly combat support humanitarian force (CNSF) - 01/31/09
Remember Barack Obama's slip where he promoted a "Civilian National Security Force"? Say hello to the Defense Department's new "Civilian Expeditionary Workforce" plan. From
The Defense Department is forming a civilian expeditionary workforce that will be trained and equipped to deploy overseas in support of military missions worldwide, according to department officials...
[Defense Department Directive 1404.10] emphasizes, however, that volunteers be sought first for any expeditionary requirements, before requiring anyone to serve involuntarily...
Obama's Organizing for America: a corps of supporters answerable only to him? Fight disasters and political enemies? (CNSF) - 01/17/09
The Barack Obama movement is about to get even creepier, with his announcement of "Organizing for America" ("OFA"), part of "Barack Obama 2.0", the continuation of his campaign even after he's been elected president.
From this:
"As President, I will need the help of all Americans to meet the challenges that lie ahead," Obama said in a video message e-mailed to supporters (and reporters) this morning. "That's why I'm asking people like you who fought for change during the campaign to continue fighting for change in your communities."
The video is here. Apparently OFA will be part of the...
Is Obama's "Civilian National Security Force" just a nation-remaking diplomatic corps? - 12/01/08
In a July, 2008 speech, Barack Obama proposed the creation of a "civilian national security force" that would be "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" as the U.S. military. However, there wasn't anything at his site about that, but "A Handpicked Team for a Sweeping Shift in Foreign Policy" by David Sanger of the New York Times (link) might have revealed what he meant:
...all three of his choices — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as the rival turned secretary of state; Gen. James L. Jones, the former NATO commander, as national security adviser, and Robert M. Gates, the...
Brooks Jackson/FactCheck spins Obama's Civilian National Security Force - 11/13/08
One of the mistakes that Obama opponents kept engaging in during the election was to make exaggerated or not 100% legalistically formulated claims (e.g., "palling around"). The MSM then jumped on the exaggerated part of those statements in order to draw attention away from the parts that were true.
And, Brooks Jackson of FactCheck uses that technique in his discussion of Rep. Paul Broun's remarks about Obama's "civilian national security force":
Jackson quotes the Obama speech as I did here, and ends with:
Obama spins Civilian National Security Force as for Iraq rebuilding - 11/11/08
Back in July, Barack Obama gave a speech in Colorado where he proposed creating a "Civilian National Security Force". That was just in one line of the speech, and it didn't appear in the version as prepared for delivery (copy here). Since that time, many have speculated over what he could have meant, and just recently Georgia congressman Paul Broun compared the creation of such groups to that in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union (link). Now, at the last link, the Barack Obama camp has responded:
spokesman Tommy Vietor said Obama was referring in the speech to a proposal for a civilian...
Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel want mandatory community service?; contradicts earlier statements; 100 hours/year in college - 11/07/08
Yet more fun with Barack Obama's president-elect website, as the page has this:
Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year.
This "requirement" contradicts not only past statements, but another statement on From the page "Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Plan for Universal Voluntary Public Service" at
Obama and Biden will set a goal that all middle and high...
Barack Obama's "civilian national security force" (????) - 07/12/08
Back on July 2, Barack Obama read his "public service" address, and it contained this line that hasn't received much notice:
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set... We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."
What the Sam Hill? There's nothing at his Service page ( discussing anything near such a program. He wants to increase the size of Americorps, create a "Homeland Security Corps", create other specialized groups,...