Tweets to Scott

Scott's avatar
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Durham, NC
Drinking coffee, living life. Husband. Father. Type 1 Diabetic since 1983. Coffee nerd. Prefer my coffee, like the side of the Force I prefer. Stay caffeinated!
Tweets to this user:
Howard Schultz's avatar
From @HowardSchultz
Today we remember the sacrifice of the U.S. and Allied soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944โ€ฆ
Jerry Stevens's avatar
From @jerrystevens
@HowardSchultz Run for president.
Scott's avatar
From @BeanditoBetes
@HowardSchultz We can be glad the soldiers weren't led by weak "leadership" like yourself. Your commitment to targeโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jerrystevens: @HowardSchultz has no discernible constituency. Even if it were just him vs Trump, his support would mostly come from NeverTrump types. If he were smart & patriotic, he'd run as a Red Tory. Like what Trump unknowingly pretends to be, but for real.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Is this some Fox thing? MT @BeanditoBetes [to @HowardSchultz] We can be glad the soldiers weren't led by weak "leadership" like yourself. Your commitment to targeted retaliation, siding with theft, wishing death & harm upon customers, & pathological lying will not be forgotten.