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Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Illegal immigration marches: May 1, 2008 - 05/01/08
This year's marches for "immigrant rights" - i.e., to give rights to illegal aliens to which they aren't entitled - were much less attended and made much less of an impact than those in 2006.
March 10 Committee - 10/30/07
Also known as the March 10 Movement, March 10 Coalition, Diez de Marzo Committee.
Home page at
At their site, they declare their unconditional support for Elvira Arellano as well as all other "immigrants" who are in the process of being deported. They also call on all those immigrants who are being deported to apply for asylum and to seek asylum in local churches.
They also oppose employer sanctions and programs to check the SSNs of employees.
March 25 Coalition Statement - 10/30/07
From the March 25 Coalition PDF dated [[April 4, 2006]]
The massive March 25 demonstration in Los Angeles of well over one million undocumented workers, legal residents and their supporters-along with protests and walkouts throughout the United States-is irrefutable evidence that a new Civil Rights and workers' rights movement is on the rise.
March 25 Coalition - 10/30/07
Organized the [[March 25, 2006]] rally in Los Angeles and helped organize the nationwide Great American Boycott of [[May 1, 2006]]. Their March 25 Coalition Statement reveals that members include the head of ANSWER, the head of the L.A. chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, and many others.
Reportback from the Youth Conference for the Cuban Five - 07/01/07
"by Chris Banks / May 28, 2007" link:
June 24: illegal immigration rally at Hollywood and Vine - 05/08/07
According to this, the ANSWER-linked Juan Jose Gutierrez - director of Latino Movement USA - is planning yet another illegal immigration march, this time for June 24 at the famous corner of Hollywood and Vine:
"All of us here today are united in expressing in the clearest voice possible that our community will not be intimidated into inaction... The struggle for democratic rights and democratic immigration reform will continue."
Young Pioneers of the Global Climate Change and Environmental Justice Movement (comrade) - 04/05/07
As others have no doubt noted, the general global warming movement seems to have some curious aspects. For instance, here's Frank Gaffney, Jr. in "Assault of the 'Transies'" saying (libertypost . org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=182482):
Immigration groups tap into war debate - 03/14/07
Peter Prengaman/Associated Press/[[March 14, 2007]]/ link
Frustrated by Congress' lack of progress on immigration reform, pro-immigrant activists want to tap into growing anti-war sentiment this spring by combining the two issues at dozens of rallies nationwide.
Socialism Conference to take place in Los Angeles - 02/20/07
[[November 8, 2006]]/Sarah Sloan/ link
This Saturday, Nov. 11, the Los Angeles branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation will hold its third annual Socialism Conference. Click here to register for the conference.
Juan Jose Gutierrez, ANSWER, Party for Socialism and Liberation, and NBC News - 11/15/06
Juan Jose Gutierrez is the director of Latino Movement USA, and NBC News featured him as a spokesman for the Hispanic community last month. A week before then, he was a featured speaker at a public forum sponsored by the "Party for Socialism and Liberation". The flyer for that is to the right, and a description of the event is here. Note that the other featured speaker was Karina Garcia, the Political Chair of the Chicano Caucus at Columbia University (
Did NBC News know about this? Perhaps they did, but they were convinced to run the segment without...