Some Hispanic leaders not 100% happy with Sotomayor being Puerto Rican, not Mexican-American
Oh what a tangled web they weave when first they start to play ethnic politics and assume that all Hispanics think alike despite country of origin. Daniel Gonzalez and Erin Kelly of the Arizona Republic offer "Hispanics laud choice, but many hoped for a Mexican-American" (link). Considering that in Arizona there are, per the article, "1.6 million Latinos of Mexican ancestry, compared with 28,524 of Puerto Rican ancestry", one wonders what (if anything) Ben Smith was thinking when he earlier wrote that "Fierce opposition from the right could push Florida and the West out of reach."
Some analysts caution that Republicans, who have already seen their support among Latinos decline sharply over the issue of immigration, risk further alienating Hispanics by opposing Sotomayor.
But even Latinos are taking a careful look at her nomination.
[Many Hispanics are elated, but] some would have preferred to see Obama nominate a Mexican-American considering that they make up 70 percent of the nation's 47 million Latinos.
"The argument could be made for (a Mexican-American nominee)," said Raul Yzaguirre, former head of the National Council of La Raza... "I want unity, so I am more inclined to overlook those things and say, 'Let's work together.'"
In this case, "unity" means pan-Hispanic ethnic nationalism; see this Bill Richardson quote for another example.
Though Puerto Ricans and Mexicans share a common language, Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens and are not considered immigrants like Mexicans, said Louis DeSipio, a political-science and Chicano/Latino studies professor at the University of California-Irvine.
As a result, Sotomayor could be less sensitive to immigration issues she may face as a Supreme Court justice than if she were Mexican-American, DeSipio said...
Luz Sarmina, president and CEO of Valle del Sol, a non-profit community-based Latino organization in Phoenix, said that she was thrilled with the choice of a Hispanic but admits that she would have liked to have seen Obama nominate a Mexican-American...
eh (not verified)
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 16:41
HS 18269 2009-05-27T18:41:45-05:00
Probably some Mexican-Americans clean the building. Are they happy now?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 19:28
HS 18270 2009-05-27T21:28:41-05:00
She is owned and will make a great puppet.
query_tool (not verified)
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 21:11
HS 18271 2009-05-27T23:11:05-05:00
This is appropos of nothing. Some individuals and groups, who have no say in the matter, are unhappy with the pick. What is your point?
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 22:21
HS 18272 2009-05-28T00:21:45-05:0
So, the hispanics would be happy with "Jose Jiminez" if he were nominated, ...just because.
Letty Guerra (not verified)
Tue, 07/14/2009 - 17:33
HS 18273 2009-07-14T19:33:23-05:00
What white people thought about minorities in high places is true. That we can't follow the rule of law, but rather we will have a get even mentality. The high minded ideals of the U.S. Constitution will be left by the side of the road and we will have a bannana republic just like Central and South America after all when we become the Majority. I hope I don't live to see that day. Sotomayor is an insult! Scraping the bottom of the barrel. Ignorant and low compared to the justices sitting there now. Just an Obama puppet.