Tweets to Julienne Xene Cross

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Julienne Xene Cross
Peace Maker- Artist- Anishanaabe is my foundation. Traditional Elders Council Member. Sundancer
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Julienne Xene Cross's avatar
From @ndnstyl
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@uncutcg @ndnstyl: why do some #OWS hacktivist types side with #Koch & @USChamber on #immigration? Curious! #UniteBlue #Occupy #p2 #oo
Shut the Chamber's avatar
From @ShutTheChamber
RT @uncutcg: .@ndnstyl @24AheadDotCom The @uschamber just wants to make sure immigration reform won't punish corporations exploiting undocumented workers
Julienne Xene Cross's avatar
From @ndnstyl
RT @uncutcg: .@ndnstyl @24AheadDotCom The @uschamber just wants to make sure immigration reform won't punish corporations exploiting undocumented workers
Jacomine Hillyatt's avatar
From @uncutcg
.@ndnstyl @24AheadDotCom The @uschamber just wants to make sure immigration reform won't punish corporations exploiting undocumented workers
Julienne Xene Cross's avatar
From @ndnstyl
@uncutcg @24AheadDotCom @uschamber I often wondered what good they were. #uschamber
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@uncutcg @ndnstyl: why do some #OWS hacktivist types side with #Koch & @USChamber on #immigration? Curious! #UniteBlue #Occupy #p2 #oo
Julienne Xene Cross's avatar
From @ndnstyl
@24AheadDotCom @uncutcg @uschamber These groups have no real interest in immigration reform. Possible misinformed OWS
Julienne Xene Cross's avatar
From @ndnstyl
@24AheadDotCom @uncutcg @uschamber It's a rare bankers day to find the Chamber of Commerce any where near real minority community event.
Julienne Xene Cross's avatar
From @ndnstyl
@24AheadDotCom @uncutcg @uschamber If anything the US Chamber has a tally on minority involvement and they barley make that requirement.
Julienne Xene Cross's avatar
From @ndnstyl
@24AheadDotCom @uncutcg @uschamber I can also tell you that where #Tribes have money you will find these leeches. No outcome all talk.