GOP consultants: which Hispanic outreach approach is better?
Here are some quick questions for GOP consultants, pundits, and other thought leaders. If you consult Republican politicians or are in a related field, please answer the questions below [1].
If that's not you, you can still help out by asking consultants the questions below.
If you're a consultant/pundit/etc., I'd like you to first take a look at these two approaches to Hispanic outreach:
Approach A:
"[Obama] promised to bring us all together, to cut unemployment, to pass immigration reform in his first year and even promised to cut the deficit in half in his first term. Do you remember that? But he hasn't come close." [2]
Approach B:
"No American demographic group would benefit more than Hispanic voters by keeping illegal foreign workers from taking U.S. jobs. Only about 5% of illegal workers are in agriculture; most of the rest are competing for jobs in construction, service and manufacturing in the same locales where most unemployed Hispanic citizens are seeking work." [3]
Thinking about those two Approaches, please answer as many of these questions as you can:
1. Do those Approaches conflict with one another, and if so how?
2. Which of those Approaches is better for those in the following groups:
a) conservative-leaning Hispanics?
b) liberal-leaning Hispanics? (those in the National Council of La Raza audience, etc.)
c) radical Hispanics? (those in the MEChA audience, etc.)
d) Hispanic politicians, leaders, consultants, etc.?
e) foreign citizens who are here illegally? (i.e., illegal aliens)
f) the Mexican government?
g) employers who intentionally try to hire illegal aliens?
h) whites below upper middle class? (the majority)
i) blacks below upper middle class? (the great majority)
j) whites in and above upper middle class?
k) top GOP donors?
3. Which of those Approaches is better for the U.S. as a whole?
4. Which of those Approaches is better for the GOP? Explain your answer as much as possible.
5. Which of those Approaches is better for Barack Obama, other top levels of the Democratic Party, and the left-leaning segment of the establishment media? Explain your answer as much as possible.
6. Which of those Approaches does the GOP assiduously avoid using?
If you're a GOP consultant, please answer as many as possible. You can post your answers in comments below, reply on Twitter, or post them on your own site. In the latter case, just post the link to your comments below or tweet it to me.
Everyone else: please look up consultants/pundits/etc. and send them the link to this page, then leave any replies you get in comments or contact me with the information. If you ask and don't get a reply, let me know that too. You can use the Question Authority technique if you're able to contact consultants where they'll be speaking. I'll be contacting some in those fields myself and I'll update this post with their replies (or their failure to reply).
[1] The Approach I favor and other aspects can be easily guessed, but I've tried to keep the above free from my own editorializing.
[2] Approach A is from Susana Martinez in her 2012 GOP Convention speech. The talking point that Obama promised to pass comprehensive immigration reform but didn't when he had a chance is one of the GOP-approved responses to Obama's DREAM Act push. It's been used by Mitt Romney on down to rightwing bloggers.
[3] By Roy Beck of Numbers USA, link.