Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden wear anti-Arizona law bracelets at Mexican president's speech
A couple of days ago, the Democrats in Congress gave Mexican president Felipe Calderon a standing ovation after he criticized the new Arizona immigration law on the House floor.
It gets even worse, as shown on this video:
Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and no doubt others were wearing rubber bracelets designed to show solidarity against Arizona's law during the Calderon speech.
From this earlier story about Rep. Joe Baca (link):
As part of his general boycott of Arizona -- which includes his refusal to fly through Phoenix on his weekly trips to and from Washington -- Baca, D-Rialto, is distributing wristbands inspired by the Lance Armstrong LiveSTRONG craze.
Baca put in an order for 2,500 of his version, which will be red, yellow and blue -- the colors of Arizona's flag -- to be worn as a show of solidarity against the controversial law...
In Washington, Baca has gotten House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and most members of the Democratic leadership to wear them, as they did -- along with golfing legend Chi Chi Rodriguez -- at a recent fundraiser for Baca. Baca said his office is fielding calls from people inquiring how they can get one of the wristbands.
That story has a picture of Steny Hoyer wearing his bracelet.
Recognizing that Pelosi et al do not represent U.S. interests is only part of the battle, you also need to oppose them in effective ways. The only reason they feel free to give foreign leaders standing ovations and all the rest is because what most people have done so far isn't as effective as it could be.
See our guide to reducing illegal immigration for highly-effective steps you can take.