April 2009
(Please do not link to this page, only link to individual items)
Thu, Apr 16: -
SPLC: DHS rightwing extremist report mentions them and "tracks" theirs "fairly closely" (Harry Smith; +two errors)
Fri, Apr 17: -
HotAir unwittingly shows futility, stupidity, perniciousness of tea parties (Susan Roesgen)
Fri, Apr 17: -
DHS released rightwing extremists report despite objections by their civil rights officials (+Napolitano, Hoekstra, Harman, Boehner)
Fri, Apr 17: -
Irony meets stupidity: Chicago May 1 immigration rally might have gotten more people than all tea parties
Sat, Apr 18: -
Tea party turnout number: should you trust Pajamas Media or Silver's MSM-based estimate?