border fence
border fence: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Mitt Romney NALEO speech: ever weaker on immigration (chain green cards, comprehensive reform, guest workers) - 06/21/12
Mitt Romney spoke to NALEO - the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials - earlier today and went even weaker on immigration. Excerpts of his remarks, a discussion, and video are below.
Kelly Evans' weak immigration question for Rick Perry backfires (WSJ) - 01/17/12
Kelly Evans of the Wall Street Journal asked Rick Perry a low-wattage immigration question at last night's GOP debate.
Rick Perry: no to full border fence; re-uses "ladder business" line like Janet Napolitano and Bill Richardson - 09/04/11
Speaking in New Hampshire, Texas governor Rick Perry said this (link):
Immigration and Texas governor Rick Perry: a summary - 08/11/11
Tom Tancredo has a summary of Texas governor Rick Perry and immigration (link). All sixteen paragraphs point out ways in which Perry supports or enables illegal immigration, here are just the first five:
Is Marie Diamond clueless, deceptive, or what? (ThinkProgress, Herman Cain, border fence, alligators, moat, Andy Kroll) - 06/08/11
As we all know, those who toil at the Center for American Progress' ThinkProgress blog don't get the joke, no matter what the joke may be.
Sam Stein of HuffPost, lacking information, lets speculation run wild (Rand Paul, border fence) - 06/25/10
Sam Stein of Huffington Post offers "Rand Paul's Underground Electric Border Fence Baffles Cornyn, Libertarians" ( It's one small step up from something you'd see on "Rock Bottom" (
On his site, Rand Paul says:
Virtual border fence: DHS doesn't know when or if it will be completed - 03/01/10
From this:
A multibillion-dollar "virtual fence" along the southwestern border promised for completion in 2009 to protect the U.S. from terrorists, violent drug smugglers and a flood of illegal immigrants is a long way from becoming a reality, with government officials unable to say when, how or whether it will ever be completed.
More than three years after launching a major border security initiative and forking over more than $1 billion to the Boeing Co., the project's major contractor, Homeland Security Department officials are re-evaluating the high-tech component of the plan in the wake...
Border fence provisions in DHS bill struck down - 10/07/09
From this:
Appropriators dropped a requirement in the 2010 Homeland Security spending bill to rush the construction of a fence at the Mexican border, disappointing conservatives who pushed the project as a way to slow illegal immigration.
The conference report for the $42.8 billion appropriations bill left out language in the Senate's version that required the installation of 700 miles of the border fence by the end of next year. The fence requirement was inserted in July as an amendment sponsored by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.). It was adopted with the support of most GOP senators and 21...
Senate makes e-Verify permanent for federal contractors (House might disagree; border fence) - 07/08/09
Per this:
The Senate voted Wednesday to require federal contractors to use an electronic employee eligibility verification system and to set construction standards for the fence now going up along the border with Mexico... [the first] was adopted by voice vote after a motion to kill it failed, 44-53. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., offered the amendment, reflecting GOP frustration over the Obama administration’s delayed implementation of an executive order by President George W. Bush setting out the same requirement. The Obama administration has pushed back the Jan. 15 deadline for that order...
DHS budget: no additional miles for border fence; concentrating on "virtual fence" (+287g?) - 05/08/09
Peggy Sherry, Acting Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Homeland Security, recently conducted a conference call about Barack Obama's budget for the DHS and a transcript is
Janet Napolitano falsely says "crossing the border is not a crime" (+border fence, Arpaio) - 04/20/09
Department of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" with John King and said the following (transcript here):
And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well.
The U.S. Code says she's wrong (link, excerpt at [1]): sneaking across the border can result in up to six months in jail for the first offense and up to two years for subsequent offenses. It most definitely is a crime; see also...
John King/CNN: border fence works (but, maybe "reform" would be better) - 02/15/09
John King of CNN offers "Border fence is a dividing line in immigration debate", a report from his "State of the Union" show (link). It provides anecdotal evidence that the border fence works where it's deployed, but he also closes on a note that might have been designed to promote comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty.
Bennie Thompson, Dingell, Conyers, Reyes, Ortiz, other Democrats support Sierra Club lawsuit over border fence (DHS, environmental waiver) - 04/08/08
A cast of Congressional characters (all Democrats; listed below) intends to file an Amicus Curiae brief in the case where the Sierra Club and the Defenders of Wildlife are suing the Department of Homeland Security to prevent them from using apparently congressionally-mandated waivers that would let the DHS bypass environmental and related rules in order to build sections of the border fence.
Bennie Thompson, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee attempts to portray this as a Constitutional matter:
this waiver by the Secretary of Homeland Security is a direct challenge to Congress’s...
Obama immigration interview: he'd make situation far worse (Kevin Johnson/UC Davis) - 09/25/07
Professors Kevin Johnson (, Jennifer Chacon, and Bill Hing of UC Davis have scored a true coup for the blogosphere: an interview about immigration with Barack Obama!
Texas governor Rick Perry opposes border fence, in Mexico - 08/28/07
Texas governor Rick Perry - supporter of the Trans-Texas Corridor - said lots of things on a trip to Mexico today:
..."I don't think [immigration "reform"] is that difficult of an issue if Congress would have the maturity to sit down and really discuss it and cut out all of the mean rhetoric and really talk about what is a solution to this issue," Perry told a news conference.
Would a 42 foot ladder industry be such a bad thing? (border fence, Napolitano, Richardson, Perry) - 08/28/07
One of the more idiotic, childlike things you'll hear supporters of massive immigration say goes like the following recent quote from Texas governor Rick Perry:
"But the idea that you're going to build a 1,200-mile wall ... is idiocy. It absolutely would not work. If you build a 40-foot wall, then the 42-foot ladder industry takes off."
Raul Grijalva wants to secure border ecologically soundly (Defenders of Wildlife) - 06/13/07
From a Defenders of Wildlife press release (link):
Bush '08 budget only covers half of border fence - 02/05/07
I think we could have seen this coming from 700 miles away:
President Bush's new budget would pay for only about half of the 700 miles of U.S.-Mexico border fence he and Congress four months ago promised to build.
Gabrielle Giffords' first immigration speech - 01/13/07
I've been told that one of the big blogging stories of 2006 was all the hacks, er, bloggers who were hired by campaigns. Well, guess what! This blog has just been hired by a politician you've probably heard of, and you'd never guess I'd be working for her, but I am.
Finally today I can announce: I've been hired to give the plain English, BS-free version of Gabrielle Giffords' speeches. The plucky Arizona legislator beat Randy Graf in November, sparking the massive Graf/Hayworth canard, and one of her top goals is finally "solving" the immigration crisis.
Here's my maiden attempt for "Gabby" (...
Texas gov Rick Perry: no full fence, yes to anchor babies, guest workers - 12/09/06
From this:
...Republican Gov. Rick Perry earned applause from the crowd [at a meeting of the Texas Border Coalition] when he said strategic fencing along the border makes sense but the idea of a complete wall or fence is "preposterous."
Amnesty proponents can't be trusted (Democrats waver on border fence) - 11/11/06
One of the clearest arguments against "comprehensive immigration reform" (aka a massive amnesty) is that the new laws would be enforced in the same manner as the current laws: only when necessary and unwillingly so. This amnesty will fail in the same ways as the 1986 amnesty, and the same forces that oppose enforcement now will continue to oppose enforcement, and they'll have even more power as a result of the amnesty.
And, they're tipping their hand even before beginning to push for the amnesty. From "Democrats to 'revisit' law creating border fence":
Democrats will look again at the...
Mexico, 27 OAS nations declare opposition to border fence - 10/26/06
From our who cares department:
Mexico, supported by 27 other nations, made a declaration at the Organization of American States slamming U.S. plans to build hundreds of miles (kilometers) of fence on its southern border.
Jorge Castaneda, Fifth Columnists, and the Los Angeles Times - 10/05/06
Yesterday former Mexican foreign minister Jorge Castaneda spoke as part of the Los Angeles Public Library-associated Zocalo program. I attended (after first going to the library where I thought it would be and then rushing over to the Music Center where it actually was) and was able to ask him whether Mexico had a "Fifth Column" inside the U.S. His answer was somewhat in line with what you'd expect; feel free to skip ahead to read it.
Our host for the evening was Los Angeles Times editorial page editor Andres Martinez; that paper publishes Castaneda's column and the two were quite chummy.
Vicente Fox to visit colonies, meet with Alta California legislators - 05/23/06
Vicente Fox of Mexico is starting a whirlwind tour of the U.S. today which will conclude on Friday. The apparent goal of the tour is to help immigration "reform". However, as with the illegal alien marches, he will end up helping the American side.
Dick Morris offers thoughts on Bush and immigration - 11/11/05
Dick Morris to president Bush: "Get serious about immigration reform" (link). Unfortunately, the reform he has in mind is the kind with quotes around it.
In the hawk category, he supports the idea of a fence, an idea that does have its downside. Perhaps big fences in some areas and DMZ zones in others would be the better approach.