Gary Johnson is still incredibly wrong on immigration (GOP debate)
If you've been following along with my coverage of former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson, you already know that he's incredibly wrong on immigration. If you haven't been following along, see his name's link for my detailed discussion of why he's wrong, such as the questions I asked him on Twitter that he refused to answer. (If you're wondering why I'm wasting my time on someone who stands no chance, see the third paragraph here).
And, for those who haven't been following along, here are just a couple of more reasons why he was wrong in yesterday's GOP debate (video below, around 11:00).
1. He states that "immigration is ultimately responsible for tens of millions of jobs", which is obviously highly unlike and is ultimately anti-American. The recent number of employed was around 150 million [1], of which at least around 15% would have to be "ultimately" due to immigration if Johnson were correct. Does anyone think that's likely? Sure, maybe if we went back a century or so, but no due to recent immigrants. Most of the recent immigrant job creators have been located in Silicon Valley and similar, and they haven't created that many jobs relatively speaking. Massive low-skilled immigration has certainly allowed, for instance, pundits to spend more time punditting and less time cutting the grass, but punditry isn't exactly a vital occupation. More importantly, his concept is anti-American: he assumes that we Americans are chopped liver and can't create our own jobs but need immigrants to do it for us. We sent a man to the moon and won World War II, and now we can't innovate and create jobs? Johnson is not promoting pro-American, can-do attitudes.
2. As before, he promotes guest workers without acknowledging any of the downsides, such as the fact that the Democrats would work night and day to convert Johnson's workers into Democratic voters. Johnson would give the Democrats and the far-left even more power than they have currently, and they'd use that increased power to roll back any libertarian-oriented policies that Johnson could sneak through.
3. See the previous discussion of how Johnson is wrong for more on background checks. For instance, his "background checks" would probably rely on the completely unreliable Mexican government. If we did FBI-quality background checks, it would take about a year for every million people, or about decade for most of the illegal aliens in the U.S.
4. As he did on Twitter, Johnson ignores the fact that low-skilled labor is highly subsidized. An illegal alien/"immigrant" who's earning $20,000 per year is not going to be able pay for even a fraction of the cost of educating even just one of their children (which ranges around $8,000 to $10,000 per student per year, depending on the state). Johnson - the libertarian - is supporting subsidized labor.
5. Johnson states "immigration needs to be about work, not welfare". I'm going to guess that's a strawman: few illegal aliens come here simply to get on welfare. The problem is that, as part of living here, they necessarily are on some form of social welfare: education for their children, healthcare for them or their children, and so on. And, people aren't just about work. Unless Johnson plans to put his guests in cryogenic storage from 5pm to 9am, during those hours they're going to be serving as a power base for the Democratic Party, they're going to be serving as a power base for the Mexican government inside the U.S., they're going to be organizing or taking part in immigration marches, and on and on. Despite what libertarians loonies like Johnson would have you think, people are not just a shippable product like refrigerators.
Obviously, there's much more that could be said. The point of these Johnson posts isn't to discredit him personally: he's just a nobody. The point is to discredit his libertarian, "free market", "Profits at any Price" ideas that are shared by many with loud voices such as the tea parties leaders. If you want to help, go confront some of those types of people with all the many points raised in this series.