Doug Irving /OCR, United Way help banks profit from illegally-earned money
At the end of 2008, Arnold Schwarzenegger launched "Bank on California", a California state program that encouraged the "unbanked" to open bank accounts. Since the "unbanked" are largely illegal aliens and since their wages are earned illegally, California's governor is using state resources to help private companies profit from illegal activity.
Now, Doug Irving of the Orange County Register offers "Poorest of poor urged to use banks" (link) about an affiliated local effort called "Bank on Santa Ana" ( In his report, he tells his readers nothing about the immigration aspect and promotes the program rather than taking the banks to task. He mentions that the banks will accept Mexico's Matricula consular card as identification, without noting that that card is a very strong indicator that the bearer is an illegal alien.
As for those involved:
The city [of Santa Ana] and Orange County United Way are running the Bank on Santa Ana project. Eight banks and credit unions have signed up to participate and offer the special checking accounts: Bank of America, Bank of the West, Chase Bank, Citibank, Communidad Latina Federal Credit Union, Pan American Bank, Union Bank and Wells Fargo.
Please contact with your thoughts. Perhaps there's some way that their 501(c)3 status could be challenged due to this program.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 02/03/2010 - 04:59
HS 20280 2010-02-03T06:59:52-06:00
Banks are in business to make money and if a banker can make money by using people in any way it can it will.
David (not verified)
Fri, 02/05/2010 - 13:08
HS 20281 2010-02-05T15:08:54-06:00
What a moron you are Fred. This would be a way form such financial institutions to benefit from money otherwise stored in shoe boxes and underneath mattresses. Don't be such a douche.