bank of the west
bank of the west: Page 1
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Doug Irving /OCR, United Way help banks profit from illegally-earned money - 02/01/10
At the end of 2008, Arnold Schwarzenegger launched "Bank on California", a California state program that encouraged the "unbanked" to open bank accounts. Since the "unbanked" are largely illegal aliens and since their wages are earned illegally, California's governor is using state resources to help private companies profit from illegal activity.
Now, Doug Irving of the Orange County Register offers "Poorest of poor urged to use banks" (link) about an affiliated local effort called "Bank on Santa Ana" ( In his report, he tells his readers nothing about the immigration...
"Bank on Los Angeles": city helps corrupt banks profit from illegal activity - 03/25/09
The City of Los Angeles recently announced a new public-private partnership called "Bank on Los Angeles" ( that's designed to help 10,000 low-income residents who don't have bank accounts ("the unbanked") open up accounts. It's also open to illegal aliens [1], and that means that Los Angeles City will be encouraging corruption by helping major banks profit from money that was earned illegally.