Courage Campaign has no credibility or ethics (Russell Pearce, ALEC)

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The Courage Campaign is a California NGO linked to higher-profile groups including Media Matters for America [1]. A recent tweet [2] from them shows that they have no ethics and no credibility:

Every wonder why @ALEC_states supports extreme anti-#immigration laws? Here’s a clue… #TBT #StandUpToAlec

That links to the image embedded to the right (click for a larger version). The quote from former Arizona state senator Russell Pearce is such a reprehensible misrepresentation that even MMFA wouldn't engage in it.

The quote in the image was part of an email former Arizona state senator Russell Pearce sent out, and the email was making the point that various position are not racist. Pearce wasn't saying he was a racist, he was saying his positions are not racist. People can disagree about his positions, but no one with any integrity will try to claim that he said he was a racist. Does the impression the Courage Campaign is trying to give you even pass the smell test?

The full email is included at [3], go take a look at it. It follows the pattern, "I'm a racist because I support a position that isn't racist", making the point that various positions are not racist.

Imagine that Obama or another liberal said, "I'm a Communist because I support Social Security. I'm a Communist because I support unemployment insurance..." and so on, using the same formula as Russell Pearce's email. Obama wouldn't be claiming he was a Communist, he'd be claiming that he was not a Communist. If someone in the Tea Parties snipped Obama's quote down to "I'm a Communist", wouldn't that be a reprehensible misrepresentation of Obama's point?

That's exactly what Courage Campaign did. You can argue about the items in the Pearce email all you want, but Courage Campaign completely misrepresented his remarks and did so knowing the context. Not only that, but another major claim in the image is highly deceptive [4].

Even if you support the Courage Campaign, you shouldn't stand for such reprehensible conduct.

Whether you support or oppose the Courage Campaign, contact their supporters and let them know what Courage Campaign isn't telling them. Contact those linked to the Courage Campaign, and let them know what they're involved with.

Their partners include:

* California Federation of Teachers
* California Nurses Association
* California Teachers Association
* CREDO Mobile
* Media Matters for America
* UDW AFSCME Local 3930
* National Union of Healthcare Workers

They're also a "proud state partner of the ProgressNow network".

Look up representatives from each of those groups and let them know just how reprehensible their partners at the Courage Campaign are.

[1] couragecampaign . org/aboutus
[2] twitter . com/CourageCampaign/status/431630906197962753/photo/1
[3] Here's the full email, which Pearce probably didn't even write but instead it's something he forwarded (from VALLE DEL SOL v. WHITING):

From: Russell Pearce []
Sent: Thursday, December 14,2006 10:37 PM
To: Russell Pearce; Russell K. Pearce
Subject: What's a Racist?
Your comments are welcome. Please write back and tel! me your definition of a
I'm a racist because I asked my government to uphold the law and deport illegal
I'm a racist because I believe law enforcement agents should be empowered to handle
all matters concerning illegal aliens. The INS is impudent.
I'm a racist because I asked my city government to uphold city codes and not allow
single family dwellings to be occupied by dozens of people.
I'm a racist because I asked my state govemment not to give drivers licenses and/or
driving certificates to illegal aliens.
I'm a racist because I asked fellow Americans to employ fellow Americans.
I'm a racist because I object to paying higher uninsured motorist premiums because
of illegal aliens driving while uninsured and killing fellow Americans.
I'm a racist because I strongly object to the criminal element illegal aliens bring with
them and inflict on society.
I'm a racist because I don't want to be taxed to pay for a prison population comprised
of mainly Hispanics, Latinos, Mexicans or whatever else you wish to call them.
I'm a racist because I demand that my government protect our borders and our
I'm a racist because I believe that the News Media has a duty to tell us the names and
race of criminals.
I'm a racist because I object to having to pay higher sales tax and property tax to
build more schools for the illegitimate children of illegal aliens.
I'm a racist because I object to paying higher taxes to absorb the loses hospitals all
across America are incurring because of illegal aliens.
I'm a racist because I want to deny citizenship to all anchor babies born in this
country pre 2006 and here after.
I'm a racist because I object to our welfare system being raped by illegal aliens.
I'm a racist because I object to corporations and municipalities spending billions to
write everything in Spanish.
I'm a racist because I object to corporation and municipalities spending billions to
translate everything in Spanish.
I'm a racist because I dislike having to push one for English and/or listening to a
message in Spanish.
I'm a racist because I object to our immigration policies giving preferential treatment
illegal aliens while discriminating against people who wish to immigrate legally.
Factual is not racial. Realism is not racism. The new definition of a racist is anyone
winning an argument with a liberal, minority, pacifist, bible hanger, or moron.

[4] The image gives the impression that ALEC - a consortium of big business is "anti immigrant". The opposite is true: big business - the USChamber, WalMart, McDonalds, etc. - want as much immigration as they can get. They and other major businesses are strong supporters of comprehensive immigration reform and increased immigration. Some large corporations might want to profit from immigration detention, but they also want to profit from increased immigration. The reason should be clear: more workers means a reduction in how much they have to pay their workers. Courage Campaign and Walmart are on the same side, working against the interests of Walmart employees. See this and this for a longer discussion so you don't get tricked by the Courage Campaign.