progressnow: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Courage Campaign has no credibility or ethics (Russell Pearce, ALEC) - 02/06/14
The Courage Campaign is a California NGO linked to higher-profile groups including Media Matters for America [1]. A recent tweet [2] from them shows that they have no ethics and no credibility:
Every wonder why @ALEC_states supports extreme anti-#immigration laws? Here’s a clue… #TBT #StandUpToAlec
Colorado Democracy Alliance/Jared Polis to "educate the idiots" - 10/01/08
The Colorado Democracy Alliance is a relatively new organization that apparently has a plan to - in their words - "educate the idiots" to encourage them to vote for the Democratic Party. That's according to an internal memo obtained by; it's not available at present due to a link from Drudge but a copy is here. This description of those involved in the CDA includes Jared Polis, a Democratic politician who received an award from the Mexican government presumably due to his in effect helping them profit from illegal immigration. It also includes an organization (ProgressNow)...
Elderly librarian ejected from John McCain event! (Don't worry about the details; ProgressNow) - 07/07/08
Denver, Colorado's ProgressNow - a group linked to both the Democratic Party and multi-millionaire illegal immigration supporter Jared Polis - is pushing the story of a poor, helpless, 61-year-old part time librarian who was arrested before a John McCain event just because she was holding a sign saying "McCain = Bush" (
Except, of course, there's more to it.
The "librarian" (Carol Kreck) works part-time for an "education think tank" (link). I haven't been able to determine which group that is, but it screams "Polis or affiliated" group to me...
WaPo gives free ad to Colorado's ProgressNow outfit - 10/10/05
The WaPo offers "Dean Camp's Tactics Applied to Colorado", a "Special to The Washington Post" article by Brian Faler:
A small advocacy group in Colorado is betting that it can take one state-of-the-art Web site [], add half a million dollars or so and end up with a potent tool that will enable it to organize the state's entire community of liberal activists.
ProgressNow, formed two years ago, is borrowing some of the online tactics that helped fuel the 2004 presidential campaign of Howard Dean, now the Democratic National Committee chairman. It has invited activists...
Tying up the loose ends on Colorado's guide for the illegal alien - 02/09/05
Colorado recently removed from its website a guide that gives tips for illegal aliens living in Colorado. Those involved in producing the guide included, to varying degrees: the Mexican government, the Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Gov. Owens, various "immigrant's rights" groups, and First Data/Western Union.
Rep. Tom Tancredo complained about the guide and caused it to be removed from Colorado's site. This, of course, caused the other side to fire up their race-baiting and strike back. From a group called ProgressNow (link):
Colorado Department of Education Vice-Chairman asks:...