"The high-immigration Right is on the warpath"

From Mark Krikorian in National Review [1]:
The high-immigration Right is on the warpath, trying to delegitimize all conservatives who stand between them and the illegal-alien amnesties they crave. Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal ran an outrageous piece [2] slamming National Review, Fox News, various Republican congressmen, and my own organization as being part of a restrictionist cabal of baby-killing, white-supremacist, Chi-Com lovers. [See my excoriation of the WSJ's smear article in the comments here [3] --LW] Of my Center for Immigration Studies, the Journal's Jason Riley wrote, among other things, that despite the fact that CIS "may strike right-wing poses in the press," we nonetheless "support big government, mock federalism, deride free markets and push a cultural agenda abhorrent to any self-respecting social conservative." The fact that none of this is even remotely true didn't stop the flood of adjectives from continuing, with CIS described as "repugnant" and a "big fan of China's one-child policy," and by implication "neo-Malthusian," eugenicist, and an opponent of free trade, to boot!

...Believe it or not, there are numerous liberals (though few members of their elites) who are concerned about admitting a million-plus immigrants a year. The divide is between the patriotic and the non-patriotic Left. Liberals who worry about America's poor oppose mass immigration; liberals whose advocacy for the poor stems from their loathing for America want more immigration. Liberals who love America's environment and quality of life are concerned about immigration; liberals who express their hatred for America through environmentalism support more immigration...

Now, since they brought it up, let's look at which elements of the Left the high-immigration Right has allied itself with.

On June 6, 2002, Rep. Cannon received the Excellence in Leadership Award from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), a leftist group created by the open-borders Ford Foundation. At the fundraising banquet where he received the award, he said that "We love immigrants in Utah. And we don't make the distinction very often between legal and illegal. In fact, I think Utah was the first state in the country to legislate the ability to get a driver's license based on the matricula consular [the Mexican government's illegal-alien ID card] and of that I'm proud." (listen to his speech, taped from C-SPAN, here [4]). In this speech he also praised pregnant women sneaking into the United States in order to have U.S.-citizen children; recognized the member of his own staff who was "translating what MALDEF would like to do into legislative language"; and described himself as an example of the phenomenon that, in politics, "as you come to the extremes, you actually get close together."

In light of Cannon's high-profile advocacy on immigration, it's curious that his campaign website contains no mention of immigration, neither on the "issues" nor "legislation" pages. Perhaps he thinks his constituents might not be thrilled by his support for illegal-alien amnesties and mass immigration. In fact, at a 2002 convention of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (listen to his AILA speech here [5]), he jokingly welcomed the assembled immigration lawyers to move to Utah to help him deflect a primary challenge based on his support for illegal-alien amnesties. And he faces the same challenger (matt4utah . com) again this year, while the issue is being highlighted by billboards in his district [6]...
There much more, go have a look. I discussed Chris Cannon's "expose" here. That post also includes his email address and phone numbers in case you want to politely let him know just how wrong he is.

(I will point out, however, that instead of 'der Nationalrat das Volk' it should read 'der Nationalrat des Volkes,' AFAIK.) ------------------- [1] nationalreview . com/comment/krikorian200403310836.asp [2] opinionjournal . com/editorial/feature.html?id=110004847 [3] janegalt . net/blog/archives/004648.html [4] americanpatrol . org/FEATURES/020608-CHRIS-CANNON-MALDEF/CannonMALDEFPander020606.ram [5] americanpatrol . org/FEATURES/020611-BUSHBOT-CANON-SELLS-OUT/CanonPimpsOffUS-020308.ram [6] projectusa . org/state/UT/index.html


Hi sup' i like chris cannon. He is cool. He is the cooles guy in the world. He is cool! Im not sure if he believes in having guns but his name at leas sounds cool!

Hi sup' i like chris cannon. He is cool. He is the cooles guy in the world. He is cool! Im not sure if he believes in having guns but his name at leas sounds cool!

Hi sup' i like chris cannon. He is cool. He is the cooles guy in the world. He is cool! Im not sure if he believes in having guns but his name at leas sounds cool!

Hi sup' i like chris cannon. He is cool. He is the cooles guy in the world. He is cool! Im not sure if he believes in having guns but his name at leas sounds cool!

Hi sup' i like chris cannon. He is cool. He is the cooles guy in the world. He is cool!

You are right and perspicacious to say that there are those who support environmentalism in order to do damage to the country, and there are those who want more immigrants to do more damage here. Yet a conservative publication, which is pro-business, pretends that only racism would disallow immigrants, when the last two decades quotas of these are costing us hundreds of billions a year. Can they be unfamiliar with the political economy of today's alternative welfare society to the extent of not knowing that lower-income groups are subsidized by the others? Could they be unaware of the official statistics which show that 80's and more recent immigrants are 30% below the average in personal income? Why would they believe that the cost of public education is not part of the net public subsidy of the lower-income groups? How can a society like ours go so far out of sympathy with the net taxpayer as to extoll the diversity-value of foreigners on net public subsidy? If only ad hominem responses can be made to those who point out facts, such as the above, this means that there may be no arguments which can be used by the unpatriotic left and right.