Tweets to Tanya Granic Allen

Tanya Granic Allen's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Tanya Granic Allen
Ontario, Canada
Frmr PC candidate in Mississauga Centre | Frmr PC Ldrshp candidate | Writer | Commentator | Mother of 4 | No to Commo-fascism. Yes to democracy | @PAFE4 Pres
Tweets to this user:
Joe Warmington's avatar
From @joe_warmington
RT @TGranicAllen: How ironic that an event addressing compelled speech and censorship, is being censored by #Facebook. #crazyworld #C16 #ca…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
To get to FB, go after Twitter. All non-verified T users need to be worried about shadowbans; if they knew what T does T would be in big trouble. MT @joe_warmington MT @TGranicAllen: How ironic that event addressing compelled speech and censorship, is being censored by #Facebook