Davis: "I'll sell out my country to keep my job"
Gray Davis didn't say that exactly, but he might as well have:
Gov. Gray Davis is vowing to sign legislation that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses -- a move that could energize Latinos to oppose his recall but anger other voters...
[State Senator Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles)] on Monday defended his measure as "sound public policy." The East Los Angeles Democrat contends it would not only make roads safer for California motorists but improve national security.
"This is not immigration policy; this is highway safety policy," Cedillo said. "I don't anticipate a (voter) backlash because at the end of the day, if they're concerned about national security, we address those concerns..."
"Clearly, California is a Democratic state, and we don't want (the 2002 gubernatorial) election stolen by people who don't reflect the mainstream of California," Cedillo said.
God help us if Gil Cedillo represents the "mainstream of California."
When he talks about "public safety," isn't that just a Big Lie? Won't voters see through this? Here's what the Commisioner of Minnesota's Department of Public Safety had to say when a similar bill was proposed in MN:
...advocates argue that they want to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants so they will be safer drivers. This argument is completely without merit and is a transparent attempt to turn the illegal immigrant problem into a public safety issue. There is no evidence that if illegal immigrants received drivers licenses, they would enroll in driver education programs, obtain insurance, and refrain from fleeing the scene of an accident. Common sense dictates that an individual on the run from the law would not wait around at an accident site for the police to arrive... The Department of Public Safety will not facilitate illegal immigration...
If not public safety, then what could Cedillo and his friends be after? Well, perhaps the article can give us a clue. I mean, the upshot of the article is that Gray is supporting this bill to get votes.
Why would Cedillo and Davis want to get "breeder documents" like driver's licenses into the hands of as many illegal aliens as possible? Doesn't it make much more sense that they want votes and power, and that they care not a whit about public safety? I mean, won't those grateful illegal aliens turn around and vote for them? Now, that makes sense.
Perhaps this quote from Cedillo might shed some light on what he's really after:
"Latinos have displaced other work communities - clothing, hotel, and restaurant industries that used to be done by blacks and anglos... Since Latinos are now central to union revitalization, through immigration and high birth rates unions can be partisan for full Latino empowerment."
And, won't this bill just send a message around the world that California doesn't care about federal immigration law? All you need to do is make it over the California border, and we'll give you all the rights of a citizen, with few of the responsibilities and none of the messy formalities like waiting in line like the chumps.
Signing this bill will certainly not decrease illegal immigration, and it will most likely cause it to rise to an even greater level.
Would "responsible" public servants like Gray Davis and Gil Cedillo really do something like that? Apparently so.
Recall that one of the reasons Gil gave for this bill was that "they were here first." That statement is also refuted in great detail here.
And, apparently he thinks driver's licenses for illegal aliens are a "right":
"We want our rights -- nothing more," [Cedillo] said [at a rally in Santa Rosa].
See also his statement concerning illegal aliens serving in the U.S. military, which the LAT has since retracted.
Cedillo also wanted to make illegal aliens undocumented immigrants a protected class under the Unruh Civil Rights Act. This in-depth article has more on that attempt as well as other Cedillo-related issues.
For background information on this issue, see "FAIR Works Against Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens", "California's Racial Iceberg", and this post.
As for the article itself, it does discuss Davis' possible motivation a bit. However, it doesn't go far enough, and it doesn't go into what Cedillo is really after. Hopefully one day a reporter from the Sacramento Bee will cover the details provided above instead of just taking Cedillo's statements at face value.
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:55
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
By the way...the union is now mostly Latino driven. Yau can't bring any real subject matter to the table and it runs solely on BULLY TACTICS
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:34
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
By the way...the union is now mostly Latino driven. Yau can't bring any real subject matter to the table and it runs solely on BULLY TACTICS
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:34
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
By the way...the union is now mostly Latino driven. Yau can't bring any real subject matter to the table and it runs solely on BULLY TACTICS
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:34
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
By the way...the union is now mostly Latino driven. Yau can't bring any real subject matter to the table and it runs solely on BULLY TACTICS
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:34
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
By the way...the union is now mostly Latino driven. Yau can't bring any real subject matter to the table and it runs solely on BULLY TACTICS
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:34
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
By the way...the union is now mostly Latino driven. Yau can't bring any real subject matter to the table and it runs solely on BULLY TACTICS
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:33
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:32
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:32
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:32
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:32
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
Pooh (not verified)
Tue, 07/20/2004 - 12:31
I was glad to see your article on Gil Cedillo. It is quite inspiring for others to know the depth of his character and the real nature and motivation for the things he states or stands up for. Unforntunately, I am still a member of SEIU, Local 660, where we became victims of Cedillo's magic. He is formerly the Genral manager for that Union and was ousted after he and Alejandro Stephens (President/Crook/Latino) turned on each other in a power struggle. They both lied to the membership and almost destroyed our union. The reality was, Stephen's had crafted a plan to turn members against Cedillo only to trick and slick his girlfriend (Anelle Grajeda) into the General Manager post. She is currently still the GM. Stephens cleverly orchestrated the release of an audit report that showed Cedillo misusing union credit cards. The sad thing was Stephens was with him when the spending occurred but never signed for anything. The thing that killed Cedillo's career however, was his own proposal for a bylaws change that would have granted him complete autonomy away from the Board of Directors. Of course the members were not that blind or stupid. We voted him right out the door. But...
He managed to launch himself into higher levels of government which has always been concerning to me. You are absolutely right to be concerned about the nature and content of any proposal that Cedillo may craft.
I work for LA County in the Department of Health Services in a hospital in South Los Angeles. In the early 90's, the employees of this medical center informed the union under Cedillo's leadership that something very suspicious was going on with the county as it seemed very clear to all of us that the Board of Supervisors of the county had taken on a contracting frinzy. You would think that since Cedillo was the GM of a union, he would be interested in protecting dues paying members and preserving the permanent work force. We warned the union about the concept of contracting out services and Managed Care. Cedillo was well informed of the situations facing our medical center. He even got angry when he couldn't get credit for the community organizing that we did. Today, Mr. Cedillo, after almost 15 years later turns out to be the co-author of an Assembly Resolution for the take over of our medical center. This should paint a real picture of this man's character. Talk about throwing a rock and hiding your hand...
James (not verified)
Tue, 08/19/2003 - 19:05
The great Western European culture that once made California the best state to live in has been destroyed by illegal aliens and their lackeys in the state government.
Both parties are kissing the asses of the wetbacks, MALDef, and other proponents of Mexican rule of CA.
The average wetback has a 5th grade education. The estimated 6 million of them in CA have 2 million of their children poluting our public school system. In 1960, CA schools were rated number one in the nation. Now, thanks to illegal aliens, our schools are ranked in the bottom five.
Take a look at that third world cesspool Mexico. See what that "great" Hispanic culture has accomplished there? They should rename CA and call it Northern Mexico.
inakappeh (not verified)
Mon, 08/04/2003 - 07:48
Yet another excellent post. One question though: I thought that in order to vote one had to be a citizen, or was this little U.S. Constitutional requisite sort of ignored by "motor voter" machinations or other such "rights"? If this is true it may be why pre-elected Villaraigosa was de-elected and underlies the extent of "non-citizens" here. The key though really seems in reversing the "discriminatory" effects of citizenship and rendering it moot by disassociating rights from a legal tradition that supports such concepts as sovereignty and its concomitant expression in citizenship. Sovereignty then becomes anachronistic or "reactionary" to progressives arguing for human rights, which also falls right into the "proposition nation" rhetoric of the WSJ types. But the goal of the Cedillo reconquistas is not necessarily for more votes as it is to just kick the whites out with the blunt end of their own flailing legal edifice. The "I'll sell out my country to keep my job" inference is Swiftian satire at its best and unfortunately is pinpoint accurate.
Sorry for all the scare quotes...