Tweets to Becca Lewis

Becca Lewis's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Becca Lewis
i research and write about technology and politics. anti-fascist, anti-capitalist, pro-justice. yes my pronouns are in my bio and they're she/her
Tweets to this user:
Kevin Roose's avatar
From @kevinroose
Talked to @gaywonk about what he’s trying to do as an indie YouTube creator, which is probably the only time I’ll g…
Kevin Roose's avatar
From @kevinroose
@gaywonk Folks if your mentions are ever too pleasant and sane, I highly recommend writing about @gaywonk and QAnon in the same week.
Becca Lewis's avatar
From @beccalew
@kevinroose @gaywonk Damn congrats on those replies
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@beccalew: you're "anti-fascist". Fascists/totalitarians throughout history have tried to quash dissent; the only diff btw Sleeping Giants & Honecker is power & degree. Like them, @kevinroose is strongly pro-censorship. Are you, or are you a real liberal?
Becca Lewis's avatar
From @beccalew
meanwhile, on youtube
Alex Ovechsingh's avatar
From @AOvechsingh
@beccalew @NoLore complicit in facism.. not a good look @youtube
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
How incredibly ironic. MT @AOvechsingh [to @beccalew] complicit in facism.. not a good look youtube
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
Facebook has no credibility left on this. I all but guarantee there’ll be pop up accounts from Infowars & others. A…
Becca Lewis's avatar
From @beccalew
@cwarzel it also says it all that both jones and infowars had to be banned "again"
Ali Breland's avatar
From @alibreland
@cwarzel and drag their feet on doing anything about the tribute/fan groups that post and spread content on faceboo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Burn the books & then burn the ashes! #liberalism MT @alibreland and drag their feet on doing anything about the tribute/fan groups that post and spread content on facebook for alex jones, milo yiannopolous, etc. well after their official accounts are banned
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's like samizdat in the USSR, they keep coming back! Thankfully, I'm sure you can come up with an ultimate solution. MT @beccalew it also says it all that both jones and infowars had to be banned "again"
Tonya Riley's avatar
From @TonyaJoRiley
Excited to share this fascinating interview with @beccalew about her new @datasociety report on how YouTube is faci…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TonyaJoRiley: it's not just online, did you know Alex Jones has written books? Is there anything we can do about him spreading his hate that way?
Data & Society's avatar
From @datasociety
NEW report by @beccalew reveals an extremist influencer network on YouTube that uses classic branding tactics to pu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@datasociety @beccalew: thank you for your report on the extremist influencer network on YouTube. I hear there's another Fight Against Hate Rally planned for next month, will you be there?