Randal Archibold/NYT: Democratic win could lead to amnesty
Randal Archibold - frequent co-conspirator with Rachel Swarns on New York Times articles about immigration - offers "Democratic Victory Raises Spirits of Those Favoring Citizenship for Illegal Aliens". If their search function works correctly, this is the only NYT article this year using "illegal aliens" in the title; in 2005 there were two; one in 2004; 2003 was a banner year, with at least five. Nevertheless, such baby steps towards the truth should be encouraged.
The article points out that those "spirits" are dampened somewhat because some of the new Democratic winners campaigned with a "tough approach to illegal immigration", which is one way of saying they want to enforce our laws. We're also informed that Randy Graf is a "self-described Minuteman border vigilante"; I tend to doubt that, since "vigilante" is a smear started by our very own "American" president.
Still, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a Washington group favoring tighter limits on immigration, said six state ballot initiatives making life harder on illegal immigrants were approved by voters on Tuesday, four of them in Arizona, where immigration is intensely discussed, and two in Colorado.
I doubt whether they said it in the same way that Archibold says they said it.
The election "shows what we have been saying all along, that the anti-immigrant, enforcement-only rhetoric to motivate conservative voters was not reflecting where the majority of Americans are on this issue," said Angela Sembrano, director of the Central American Resource Center in Los Angeles, one of the groups that helped organize large pro-immigrant marches in the spring.
The marches were, obviously, pro-illegal immigration, not simply "pro-immigrant". And, Chung-Wha Hong, executive director the New York Immigration Coalition, is quoted as saying that their goal would remain "legalization for as many people as possible."
eh (not verified)
Sat, 11/11/2006 - 06:50
"legalization for as many people as possible."
What he/she (who knows) really means is as many people like us as possible. Which is of course true of other groups as well.
John S Bolton (not verified)
Fri, 11/10/2006 - 23:21
They may so but, it now turns out that many of the democrats who unseated republicans this time, staked out positions more immigration restrictionist than the incumbents.