Consul: we both want a "legal, orderly and humane flow of people"

It was a canard fest at Ohlone College in Fremont (Bay Area, CA) on Tuesday as Mexican Consul General Alfonso de Maria y Campos spoke about illegal immigration. All of his statements have been heard many times before from both Mexicans and Americans. And, Angela Woodall of The Argus (part of the ANG Newspapers group) served only as a transcription service. If - and it doesn't seem likely - she asked him any questions, they aren't included in her report. They probably provide more hard-hitting coverage of local city council meetings:

"It is only by sharing responsibility that we can (achieve) what we both want: a legal, orderly and humane flow of people," he said.

(ADDED:see safe legal orderly)

As revealed later, he (of course) isn't just refering to visitors but to low-wage labor.

Mexico doesn't promote illegal immigration β€” the country wants people to stay in Mexico and contribute to the economy, Campos said.

No, they just print up comic books, herd potential crossers into areas without patrols, profit from billions of dollars of remittances sent from the citizens they've sent here, and the like.

He compared attempts to prevent illegal immigration to Prohibition; needless to say, Woodall didn't call him on that. (ADDED: see immigration vs prohibition).

Then, he promoted a "guest" worker program:

"Migration needs to be circular" by allowing temporary workers to return home, he added.

Of course, what would happen is that they would send us "guests" and then take actions - probably including working with the NGOs with which they have links - to keep those "guests" in the U.S. so they can keep sending money home and also so they can provide a political power base for Mexico.

Then, it was time for a couple old chestnuts:

Mexican workers fill jobs that others will not take and keep the economy competitive by lowering overhead costs, Campos said.

Note the same adapted talking point that Bush now uses: instead of "jobs Americans won't do", now it's "jobs Americans will not take". And, the "illegal-worker discount" is very small. Then again, the target of that remark is probably the corrupt employers and not the consumer.

After warning that our hugely-important wine industry might collapse without cheap labor:

"We must have security while allowing trade," he said, noting that there has never been a terrorist incident that originated south of the border. "Mexico is a partner."

Actually, one of the 9/11 hijackers used a "feature" designed for use by illegal aliens to obtain a CA DL (

Two other 9/11 hijackers obtained VA DLs with the help of an illegal alien and the illegal immigration infrastructure that corrupt politicians have allowed to develop.

And, the 9/11 Commission Staff Report has extensive information on terrorists being familiar with and taking advantage of weaknesses in our immigration system. And, those who then say that most of that was of the legal immigration system are "fighting yesterday's war."

Bear in mind that all of the points above could have been made by Angela Woodall, but weren't.

Related: Mexican diplomats meddling in our internal politics
If 1000 Americans were made familiar with all the things Mexico does regarding illegal immigration, 900+ of them would not consider Mexico a "friendly" country. Start your education with this.


Add up the cost of crime and murder and incarceration of Mexicans committing crimes in this country and I suspect that we're approaching the economic and human disaster of 9/11.

Quite rightly noted; I have never seen definitive quantitative data about this, although I have often wondered about the extent of it, especially regarding illegals who go on to commit serious crimes, even murder, after they have previuosly been in custody (e.g. for something less serious) and then been let out, either because of some 'sanctuary' policy, or due to just plain negligence. Not infrequently you see such stories.

"We must have security while allowing trade," he said, noting that there has never been a terrorist incident that originated south of the border. "Mexico is a partner."

What is this guy talking about!!! It's not because of the Mexican government's efforts that there hasn't been another 9/11, as they've done nothing to prevent it. Moreover, the import of criminals and crime from Mexico is little more than terrorism on a piecemeal basis. Add up the cost of crime and murder and incarceration of Mexicans committing crimes in this country and I suspect that we're approaching the economic and human disaster of 9/11.