Chicago immigration "debate": ICIRR pulls out; far-lefties go nuts

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An immigration "debate" was scheduled in Chicago yesterday, to feature the local Minuteman Project chapter squaring off against the Blagojevich-linked Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. The later group was one of the sponsors of the March 10 rally which was also organized by someone linked to the Mexican government.

At the last moment, ICIRR pulled out, but organizers tried to continue the meeting with a Q&A session. However, that ended in 10 minutes after the crowd got out of hand. From the CBS 2 report, you might be left wondering what all was involved.

Then, you realize that since CBS 2 doesn't mention any particulars, it must have been the illegal immigration supporters that started the unruly behavior. Then, you find this first-person report complete with pictures of the far-lefties outside, some of whom were apparently inside the church causing a disturbance:
The visiting pastor tried to calm everyone down, as did several other people who were attempting to keep order. People started chanting and stomping.
"Hit the road! Hit the trail! Racist Minutemen go to Hell!"
Things just went dowhill from there. It got louder and more unruly. The news cameras whirred away, the cameramen turning this way and that as various people stood up to should above the melee. The pastor and other leaders tried in vain to quiet the gathering. The cops started looking concerned. The crowd changed chants.
"The cops, the courts, the Minutemen -- all a part of the boss's plan!"
That last one is so sweet I'm going to have to save that and use it again and again. I think we have a pretty good idea of the political orientation of those who started the problem, and I think we can understand now why CBS 2 wouldn't want to disclose to their viewers who was involved.

UPDATE: There's a followup here.

And, from this report:
"No free speech for terrorists!" chanted the demonstrators...

..."They have to know that their racist ideas are not going to be tolerated," said protestor Maria Melquiades of Chicago. "Racism kills. You don't debate racism," she said.

"All immigrants are welcomed and Minutemen are not," said protestor John Eriksen of Chicago. "Where they are, they need to be shouted down because they are racists and Nazis," he added.

The forum had to be cancelled when police were called in to disperse the protestors. Officers arrested one demonstrator for disorderly conduct.

...A statement released by [ICIRR] read: "Our organization has no interest whatsoever in contributing to an event in which people could be hurt and that allows extremists to vent their hatred or that further exacerbates tensions at a time when our nation is interested in solutions. We have always welcomed debate with those with different views than ours, and will continue to do so. But we reject needless provocation that may lead to people being hurt."

"I didn't see any Minutemen act up in that church," said [Rosanna Pulido, Illinois Minuteman Project Director]...


Rosanna "SELL OUT" Pulido is correct, the One Minutemen did not "act out" in the Church. They act out in the streets and in Arizona. Their form of acting out consists of harrassing immigrants looking for work and threatening hispanic looking pedestrians with shot guns. These jack boot thugs take their aggression out in the streets.

i noticed that cbs2 distorted the story to reverse the identity of the assailants too.

"yes dchamil I know that", just pointing out what mexico really is and is not, mexico is not a free-land with people who can think. its government is just like saddams government, and the people love Bin Laden and hitler way to much.

My comment was intended to be a sarcastic criticism of multiculturalism. I do indeed disapprove of shouting people down.

oh yes this is the only nation on earth that would tolerated mexican racists calling out for the death of all non hispanics, i have my guns do you? and we are the only people on earth that would allow people from other parts of this world to have power inside our government, i have my guns do you? the mexican people are the friends of bin laden and the real hate race people inside this nation, I have my guns do you?

dchamil, if white americans had a rally inside mexico for this kind of thing, all of the white americans would be shot to death, kids, woman old people, that is the culture norms of mexico and its people. and kender if one person calls one other person on the facts that person if he or she is white and the other person is not the white person will be called a hate race person and beaten or shot, for race political reasons, we do not have a government or a justice system.

"Who are we to judge, eh?"

That, dchamil, is the problem.....when people do judge they are is OUR DUTY to judge, dchamil, and refusing to judge, and accepting all because "to judge isn't right", is cowardly and evil.

That aggregator thing is very odd. Though it beats a trackback from White Stormfront hands down!

Shouted down? Really? Maybe that's how they do it in Mexico. But different cultures have different norms, we are told. Who are we to judge, eh?