John McCain "flip-flops", will support "comprehensive immigration reform"; DNC still concept-challenged
John McCain has "flip-flopped" on immigration. Except, it's not really a flip-flop because it's been his position all along, despite attempts by the Democratic Party and others (such as Media Matters) to pretend otherwise. On May 5, while announcing his new Spanish-language website, he said this:
"Unless we enact comprehensive immigration reform I don't think you can take it piecemeal... In other words... because as soon you and I start to talk about the highly skilled workers, our agricultural interest people are going to say, 'Look we need ag workers, too.' And then somebody’s going say, 'We need the DREAM Act,' and then somebody’s going to say, 'We’ve got to enforce our border.'"
His previous position was that the borders needed to be certified as secure first. But, even if he meant to do that, it would basically be a sham designed to making getting amnesty ("comprehensive immigration reform") easier. So, this isn't so much a flip-flop as simply a more explicit indication of what he really wants.
Needless to say, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) continues their charade and also reveals that they're still concept-challenged (link):
McCain said he would pursue comprehensive immigration reform as soon as he takes office. But in the same news conference, McCain also took the opposite position: saying that the borders have to be secured first. McCain touted a virtual fence today and said we could have secured the border if it wasn't for all the earmarks and pork spending in Washington. But as recently as March, McCain called the virtual fence a "failed effort" and a "disgrace." Asked whether state and local law enforcement agencies should be enforcing federal immigration laws, McCain said "I support the enforcement of every law that's on the books in the United States of America." But moments later McCain took the opposite position, blaming the federal government for having "failed to act" and asserting, "when I'm president, beginning in January 0f 2009 we will have a federal approach to what is a federal problem." ...Democratic National Committee spokesman Luis Miranda [says] "John McCain cannot have it both ways. He cannot pander to the right wing of his Party by promising an enforcement-only approach to immigration while telling Hispanics that he supports comprehensive reform.
Obviously, their "opposite positions" aren't opposite at all.
Anonymous (not verified)
Wed, 05/07/2008 - 19:28
HS 14465 2008-05-07T21:28:39-05:00
I dont want to spend another 4 years with an open border,anti US Citizen and pro business elite[s] type of President. But then again are there any other types? What the hell ever happened to: Duty Honor Country? Not the current: Dooty Dishonor and Control
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 05/07/2008 - 21:48
HS 14466 2008-05-07T23:48:18-05:0
So a former soldier---supposed " Hero" wants to give the country over without a fight. This guy is a louse, a traitor and a doddering old fool. Don't tell me anyone is suprised by this friend to John "Vietnam" Kerry? I say get a third party candidate Tancredo,Hunter or other and all who would vote none of the above throw support and their vote behind them. Enough of this crap from these lying crooked weasels!!
Anon (not verified)
Wed, 05/07/2008 - 22:24
HS 14467 2008-05-08T00:24:31-05:00
It's going to be comical watching the Democrats portray McCain as too much of a hardliner on immigration. I recall that in May Day marches there would be signs ripping Bush on amnesty, CIR, etc. and you think 'you do know he's got 2 cabinet members pushing an amnesty bill full time, right?' You do know McCain's name has been on amnesty bills, right? Obviously a lot of the people who get people out to these marches are trying to political organize in general (check out the increasing number of non-immigration issue signs). If Republicans get little or no credit, even blame, from pro-amnsty people, many of which can't vote, why bother pandering to them? Maybe it would be a smarter tactic to take a position which would attract swing/Reagen Dem/Lou Dobbs voters who are all eligible to vote. I have only seen two (basically the same) statements from McCain which could be characterized as taking a hard line (at least on criminal aliens): 'The remaining 12 million, obviously two million of them who have committed crimes have to be rounded up and deported immediately. They cannot stay in our society.' "There are about 2 million people here illegally who have committed crimes; those people should be deported immediately," McCain said, attributing those numbers to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. I don't count the 100% detail-free 'I'll secure the border (first)'. A third grader can see that's just a prelude to CIR/amnesty.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 05/12/2008 - 16:27
HS 14468 2008-05-12T18:27:41-05:00
Mary is right, but read a new book out called Dr. Mary Monkeys and it's all real, its about our Nation and who is really running it, and why we see 50 million Illegals here inside this nation. its about JFK, Its about cancer and murder by government its about old Fidel Castor and new orleans and secret Operations against YOU Not the other guy behind the tree, but YOU, McCAIN is owned by many people.
Mary (not verified)
Mon, 05/12/2008 - 22:50
HS 14469 2008-05-13T00:50:34-05:0
Hey Fred, they were talking about that on Coast to coast last night.....I fell asleep unfortunately...that show is on too late, but it sounded very intriguing...the guy even said Sonny Bono was murdered!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 05/13/2008 - 02:46
HS 14470 2008-05-13T04:46:20-05:00
Mary many people know SB was murdered do you know why? he was asking to many questions and going up against the guys inside the government that had a hell of a-lot to do with criminal deals and big money and political race ideals against the people of this nation, he in fact did not hit a tree but was beaten to death, after all hill and bill had the white house, if you know what i mean? see ED Haslam/Bob Fletcher investigation on Oswald CIA And Fidel Castor. Buy Guns
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 05/13/2008 - 02:55
HS 14471 2008-05-13T04:55:15-05:00
anonymous this nation is dead and control will become normal and duty and country are only jokes in a third world idea,within 10 year's it will become a new police state for real reason of control and after Amnesty within 1 year it will become a system of no rights but race rights for the third world's people in fact the people of the third world will want it to become a third world system of control. The so called USA Will go on until the power people want it removed and when that happens it will just disappear on it own, but above all other things time is on the side of our enemies if people do nothing. Buy Guns join each other and fight back but we all know that will never happen inside a system of control. John will you be at the coffee shop this week? code 2098 book 27 line 37/fy90