Dream Act re-introduced: you need to organize local efforts to block it

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The anti-American DREAM Act was re-introduced yesterday in the House and the Senate. The bill is an amnesty for a potentially large number of younger illegal aliens, and it would allow those covered under the bill to take college discounts from U.S. citizens. In other words, because of this bill, some U.S. citizens will have their college educations taken away from them by former illegal aliens.

Considering that, it's incredibly easy to block the bill and discredit those who support it. The way to do that is to ask a politician who supports the bill the question at the link above, and then upload video of their response to video sharing sites. What I need you to do is to organize local efforts to go out and do that as described here. Even if you can't start a local group, you can still urge others to form such a group in your area.

The text of the bills isn't at thomas.loc.gov yet, but there's a probably accurate stock description here; those meeting the following qualifications would be temporarily legalized:

* They arrived in the United States before age 16.
* They have been otherwise law-abiding citizens for at least five consecutive years since the date of arrival and have registered for the Selective Service in case the military needs them.
* They must be older than 12 years old but younger than 30 when the bill becomes law.
* They have either graduated from a U.S. high school or obtained a general equivalency diploma.
* They have "good moral character."

...those immigrants who satisfy these criteria would get conditional legalization and would have to either complete study at a community college, complete at least two years toward a bachelor’s degree or serve two years in the U.S. military to get their permanent residency.

The House version is H.R.1751 from Howard Berman, currently co-sponsored by Lincoln Diaz Balart, Mario Diaz Balart, Zoe Lofgren, Joseph Cao, John Conyers, Devin Nunes, Jared Polis, Ileana Ros Lehtinen, and Lucille Roybal Allard.

The Senate version is S.729 from Dick Durbin, currently co-sponsored by Richard Lugar, Russ Feingold, Ted Kennedy, Pat Leahy, Joe Lieberman, Mel Martinez, and Harry Reid.

Those quoted at the description link above in support of the bill include Harry Reid, the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, the National Council of La Raza, and the National Immigration Forum.


They should call it the "REAM" act.

I have a DREAM: it's called DEPORTATION, which would be a very educating experience.

The dimwits aren't even smart enough to figure out that they are setting up their, and their offspring won't be forgotten, death when they're crazy programs breaks the back of the American worker. I'm old and only want to live long enough to see if not take part in the coming war. I don't believe in 'limited' war, you take them all out with the best weapons to kill them the fastest. I'd love to see the terrorists set off a nuc in D.C. if the wind is flowing east/northeast. Not much worth anything would be damaged.

Never happen petty but millions of white American will understand what happen to jew inside the camp system. people who do not fight for its country have no right to that country.

Hello, I am an illegal young alien as this bill fits perfectly into my current situation. I attend high school right now and will be graduating in a year from now. Why would you find this to be anti-american? I love America as much as any other U.S. Citizen, despising my own motherland nation for the beauty that is America. Don't I deserve some right to exist and breathe within the space of this nation? I know I'd cry a river if I was deported because after building my education and my status in this nation, it would destroy my hopes that I reached for so high. I would just like to know, why do you find it anti-American?