Irish government gives $1.5 million to help immigrants to U.S., including lobbying for illegal aliens (ILIR)

The Irish government has given $1.5 million to 16 groups in the U.S. that help both legal immigrants and illegal aliens. That comes on top of an earlier $3.16 million they've given towards that effort this year.

Around $50,000 of the new amount went to the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform (source link), a group that lobbies for immigration "reform" (i.e., amnesty) and to which several major politicians have given speeches (John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and so on).

Per Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin (link):

"The allocations that I am announcing today are to organisations that are to the forefront in providing essential frontline services to Irish communities across the US, particularly to the elderly and those in need. They also work with the undocumented Irish, whose status remains an issue of the highest priority for the Government and which I have raised with key US legislators in the course of my visit."

John McCain promotes illegal alien amnesty to Irish group; Irish government link; no Barletta
Latino, Irish Catholics in illegal immigration march (Archdiocese of San Francisco, Irish government)
What Paula Zahn forgot: the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform gets money from the Irish government
Barack Hussein Obama promotes illegal immigration... to the Irish
Allen Martin of CBS 5 failed to note where ILIR gets its money, as did Tyche Hendricks of the S.F. Chronicle


It probably plays well at home in Ireland, which is where the votes are.

Deport the illegal Irish NOW! And yes, I am of Irish descent. Country before blood comrades.