Anti-Hispanic hate crimes fall: 595 in 2007, 561 in 2008

According to new FBI figures, the number of hate crime incidents against Hispanics fell from 595 in 2007 to 561 in 2008; see the table below.

Beginning in March 2008, groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the National Council of La Raza tried to make hay out of the rise that had occurred from 2003 to 2007. In May 2008, Barack Obama came close to accusing Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh of inciting hate crimes. How the SPLC, NCLR, Obama, and the others will respond to these latest figures remains to be seen.

Here's the table:

Year Incidents Offenses Victims Known offenders
2008 [1] 561 735 792 711
2007 [2] 595 775 830 758

Indexing those and earlier figures against population - bearing in mind to compare apples to apples - is left as an exercise. And, see the FBI pages below for their footnotes.



500 or so " hate crimes"? Who gives a fuck? How about AMERiCAN citizens who are the victims of Latino crimes? Here in So Cal Latinos are "ethnic cleansing" neighborhoods of black Americans and nobody does shit about it. I'm talking foreign nationals who shouldn't be here that are targeting and KILLING Americans! So I say " who gives a fuck about hate crimes" when Americans are being killled by this same group. This is the liberal utopia diversity brings.

Lets start a real anti hispanic/monkey drug dealer party and get ropes and "find", trees. Love is not always the way some times some good old hate for your enemy is the best way to go.