hate crimes
hate crimes: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
FBI delinks SPLC, Anti-Defamation League; ADL not at all happy - 03/26/14
On their hate crimes page [1], the FBI previously [2] linked to two supposed anti-hate groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti Defamation League as "Resources". Some time recently, the FBI silently removed those two organizations from the set of links in that Resources section.
Anti-Hispanic hate crimes fall: 595 in 2007, 561 in 2008 - 11/23/09
According to new FBI figures, the number of hate crime incidents against Hispanics fell from 595 in 2007 to 561 in 2008; see the table below.
Soledad O'Brien "Latinos in America" not biased enough for NILP (+ she lies) - 11/09/09
The National Institute for Latino Policy (latinopolicy.org) raised issues with the recent "Latino in America" documentary by Soledad OBrien of CNN, and O'Brien responds to their concerns here. While I didn't watch it, I didn't have to: it was almost assuredly a complete puff piece. However, it wasn't enough of a puff piece for some:
...So many in our community told us we could not do a story about Latinos without showing how our controversial immigration debate is tearing apart families and encouraging some folks to target the most vulnerable among us (note: see immigration vulnerable)....
Federal Hate Crimes bill S. 909: violates Constitution, unequal treatment? (Eric Holder) - 07/09/09
The attached video is of Senate testimony from Attorney General Eric Holder on a federal hate crimes bill (S. 909). According to this:
It features Attorney General Holder flatly stating that, despite promising to do so, S. 909 will not protect all Americans who are victims of violent hate crime. It will only protect a privileged minority, including homosexuals, blacks, and Jews. Secondly, Holder can provide no example of even one state failing to enforce the law against hate criminals.
They suggest contacting Senators and asking them to view the video. According to Investors Business Daily...
NPR's "Tell Me More" spreads disinformation on hate crime statistics - 11/12/08
NPR's "Tell Me More" show offers the misleading "Latinos Increasingly Targeted For Hate Crimes" (link):
The FBI reports that hate crimes against Latinos rose almost 40 percent between 2003 and 2006, and Hispanic activists say they are being targeted with threats and intimidation. Tony Asion, of El Pueblo, a Latino advocacy group, is joined by Kevin Johnson, of the University of California-Davis Law School, to discuss the statistics that are sending shockwaves through some Latino communities.
Now, for the facts that NPR won't tell you: the 40% rise was obtained by choosing a low year (2003) as...
Judy Bachrach/Vanity Fair smears Lou Dobbs - 08/08/08
Freelance writer and Vanity Fair contributor Judy Bachrach offers a smear of Lou Dobbs in "Lou Doubts" (poder360.com/article_detail.php?id_article=549). It's yet another example of the illegal activity-supporting establishment trying to reduce his influence in order to profit from illegal activity in one way or another.
SPLC's "The Year in Hate" misled about FBI hate crime statistics - 03/31/08
Earlier this month the Southern Poverty Law Center - a group indirectly linked to the Mexican government - released a report entitled "The Year in Hate", which continued their attempt to shut down debate about immigration matters. Per the AP: