Soledad O'Brien "Latinos in America" not biased enough for NILP (+ she lies)

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The National Institute for Latino Policy ( raised issues with the recent "Latino in America" documentary by Soledad OBrien of CNN, and O'Brien responds to their concerns here. While I didn't watch it, I didn't have to: it was almost assuredly a complete puff piece. However, it wasn't enough of a puff piece for some:

...So many in our community told us we could not do a story about Latinos without showing how our controversial immigration debate is tearing apart families and encouraging some folks to target the most vulnerable among us (note: see immigration vulnerable). Others wanted no immigration experiences in the documentary because they considered them depressing.

At the end of the day, I am a journalist and I made every effort to report the unfolding drama of human beings in our community...

What I do know is that I am unapologetic about our need to cast a light on inadequate services and unfair treatment and to tell some of the stories of the most vulnerable among us. For example, I have fought too long over my career to get the media to talk about the terrible Hate Crimes committed against our people, a 40% increase in one year, to not seize an opportunity to tell that story...

1. "The most vulnerable among us" certainly have some powerful defenders, don't they? See the link in the text.
2. O'Brien isn't in any way a journalist; her use of phrases such as "our people" shows she's just Geraldo in a skirt, an ethno-centric opportunist.
3. In early 2008, the Southern Poverty Law Center claimed that since 2003 hate crimes against Hispanics rose 35%; however, they failed to note that 2003 was a low year and they failed to index the number of crimes against the population. Journalist O'Brien's "40% increase in one year" never happened; even the SPLC doesn't lie that much. Note, however, that Obama lied even more than the SPLC and O'Brien.


_our controversial immigration debate is tearing apart families_ You mean now just talking about it is "tearing apart families"? I had no idea. We ought to stop that then. Before I thought it was enforcing immigration law -- on the rare occasions when we actually do that -- that was "tearing families apart". I'd like to thank the NLIP for making me aware of this. And I agree, we must stop this pernicious "debate". I know! Let's stop all that 'debating' and just do what the NLIP says. Problem solved.

Gee, not much publicity about the white boy set om fire by black and hispanics and in critical condition in Florida? Or the white girl gang raped in Richmond ,CA. I guess those things- among others- never really happened????

'a vast population, people with roots in some 21 countries who had distinct histories and very different experiences' = 'our people', 'our culture', etc. If there are so many distinctions, why is it thought of as a common ('our') culture, people, etc.?


Buchanan has an excellent column today about how we have gone from a "melting pot" to a chaotic "multi cultural" diverse mess.

Any hispanic is like any muslim all hate our life and our laws and our world for one reason none can make a world of laws or life! both cultures and the traditions and the philosophy of life! can reeally understand what laws and freedom mean! only one cultrue in all of history has made a world/life where people can live in freedom and live with laws that people have made. tell me one thing why the muslim need to murder non muslims? tell me why hispanic cannot build a culture that will allow freedom? both are monkeys that is the reason why! that also goes for the monkey europeans who will all go to hell for two world wars.

Never liked that anti US "McBeaner" since day one.

Soledad O’Brien is such a phony. In April 2008, Reverend Jeremiah Wright gave a speech in Detroit to the NAACP.  One of the things that  he said in this speech was that black and white children learn with different parts of their brain, and then gave an "unflattering imitation of the way white pastors speak."  Peoples comments were that he gave a racial speech. Soledad  O'Brien, on CNN, was quoted as saying, in a gushing manner, that the speech was a "home run" and "really funny." When questioned about the things he said in the speech, she would say things like, what he really meant was .....or what he wanted to say was... Once again she's covering the truth and being racist.  Just as with the Henry Gates incident.  In an appearance on Anderson Cooper, the night or so before CNN's "The Moment of Truth" she appeared enraged that it was a racial profile against Gates. She said that she got calls from her FRIENDS saying it was all about Gates being black.  She went on that show with the purpose, at all costs, to destroy the credibility of the white police officer and throw him under the bus.  When Cooper was talking she wanted to make the point that Gates said "Thank You" to the police officers.  By mentioning that, she was purposely misrepresenting the truth by playing down Gates' belligerence and racial remarks, which she didn't even mention.  Even Gates' attorney and friend, said to the media that he used very strong language. Colon Powell and President Obama both said he should take blame in the incident.  I have seen this in many occasions with her, where she doesn't speak the truth and hides the true facts.  Another time on Anderson Cooper, Cooper said to O'Brien that Senator John McCain hasn't brought race into the campaign, like he said he wouldn't.  You would think her response would have been something like, that's great because he shouldn't.  Instead she strongly insinuated that he would, even in the last week of the campaign. Also, her questioning style, in interviews  is completely different with a white person than it is with a black person.  Like in her interview with Henry Gates in "The Moment of Truth"  She just went along with his lies. I have seen several comments on various websites about her racism.  There are many other examples I could give of her racial bias, dishonesty and hypocrisy. She seems to consider herself to be black. She mentioned in an interview that her parents made it clear to her “you’re black” and that’s all there is to it. She’s all about being #1, she wants the world to revolve around her. She comes first, before her family. She wants to be a celebrity figure and a star. In interviews she says she works 6 days a week, mostly out of town, and on some holidays. She goes to gala events, concerts, lots of entertainment events, as a single woman, leaving her hus

Sshe sucks! Get this in light of the massacre at Fort Hood and just before Veterans Day Cooper the weenie runs a piece about soldiers abusing Iraquis....These people are MORONS, creeps and TURDS. The only one worth a damn on that station WAS Glenn Beck before he left and LOU DOBBS. PS I thought Soledad was hispanic after her Latino In America failed program that got bottom dweller ratings!

she with Obama helped to plan Ft.Hood,

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