Tweets to Clodagh Smith

Clodagh Smith's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Clodagh Smith
Sacramento CA (city of trees)
unlicensed practitioner of whimsy, artist/photographer, Hibernophile, sailor, world traveler, picnic fanatic (keep calm & pique-nique on!) I mute trolls
Tweets to this user:
Melania Trump's avatar
Helping children across the country track #Santa is becoming one of my favorite traditions! @Potus and I enjoyed wโ€ฆ
Empire Storm's avatar
From @empirestatemind
@FLOTUS @POTUS @NoradSanta Only reason mail order escort @MELANIATRUMP is smiling is bc sheโ€™s having phone sex withโ€ฆ
Clodagh Smith's avatar
From @Clodagh831
@FLOTUS @POTUS @NoradSanta
Jamie Spencer's avatar
From @jlspencer77
@FLOTUS @POTUS @NoradSanta The child that died at the border really appreciated your help.
Litchfield NH IND's avatar
From @LitchfieldNHInd
@FLOTUS @POTUS @NoradSanta How many kids did @POTUS tell that Santa doesn't exist? Way to go.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@empirestatemind: your smears of Melania help Trump in same way that Teaparty smears of Michelle helped Obama. If you can (supposedly) pass the bar, why can't you figure that out?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LitchfieldNHInd: Trump has no class. The problem is his base doesn't care or thinks that's a good thing. To undercut him for real, you have to understand what his base wants, then show them he won't deliver. Test your arguments at Breitbart, not HuffPost.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jlspencer77: potential illegal aliens know Trump is a big amnesty fan. They know, despite his bluster, he wants an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. If #TheResistance pointed that out, they'd undercut Trump, reduce border deaths, & undercut Big Biz.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Clodagh831: if you want to actually *do* something rather than just spin your wheels, you have to undercut Trump to his base. The @DearAuntCrabby line won't work with Trump fans. Try it in comments @ Breitbart & see what happens. Then, come up with lines that work or use mine.