55% think California should file bankruptcy, not get bail out; CA pays more than gets back; "fiscal conservatives" ignore immigration

According to this:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows just 27% of voters nationwide believe the federal government should provide bailout funding for California. Fifty-five percent (55%) think the federal government should let the state go bankrupt instead. Seventeen percent (17%) are not sure.

That's good news for the "fiscal conservative" types, who think that California is getting its comeuppance for widespread liberalism (since some of them think of the market in near-religious terms, think of that as "Rand's wrath".) While they do have a point about out of control unions and high salaries for government workers, they're also ignoring one other key issue, an issue that makes their Pythonesque prescriptions (example at [2]; term explained here) less likely.

And, of course, that issue is immigration. Massive immigration, especially of the low-skilled illegal variety increases spending, with even Arnold Schwarzenegger admitting it costs billions per year. Just as importantly, it also gives more power to the free-spending far-left. With less immigration the far-left would have had less power from which to increase spending, and the power they have now makes it harder to enact reforms. Yet, for some completely inexplicable reason, the "fiscal conservative" types just want to ignore the issue. Actually, it's not inexplicable: just like the far-left, they want to have their cake and eat it too. They think they can import massive numbers of low-skilled workers and at the same time reduce spending, and it just doesn't work that way. The "fiscal conservatives" have about as much credibility as the far-left.

Not only that, but California gives far more to the federal government than it receives back. In 2005, it was about $47.6 billion more; in the preceding years it was about $18 billion, $14 billion, and $35 billion, and in 2000 it was almost $100 billion more. (See the chart here; via a comment from "mark" at the Surber link in [1]).

[1] Don Surber offers "Voters to California: Drop dead" (blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/archives/7151) in which he offers his Pythonesque solution: "Many a business today has empty desks. There is no reason a state government should be immune from this reality.". That was linked by Glenn Reynolds with just the title of his post (pajamasmedia.com/instapundit/91194). Both are in the "fiscal conservative" camp.
[2] For another example, Ed Morrissey of HotAir said this in February of last year (hotair.com/archives/2009/02/18/
california-republicans-oust-senate-leader-dig-in): "California needs a real austerity program, one that sheds government workers and government programs."


wer can always sell it to mexico?