CNN Lou Dobbs transcript 032007
...A pro-amnesty group tonight is threatening to form a human chain around the federal building in Los Angeles. All of that to protest what it calls the Bush administration's terror campaign against illegal aliens.
...CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The groups behind last year's pro-illegal alien amnesty demonstrations are organizing new marches and boycotts to pressure federal authority to stop deporting illegal aliens.
JAVIER RODRIGUEZ, MARCH 25 COALITION: We need 1,000 people to encircle the immigration headquarters, ICE headquarters, the federal building, to send our message clear, to push to the powers that be, to the extreme right, to the Minutemen, to everyone in this country that we are preparing for May 1 with a national boycott.
We are calling for the impeachment of George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for crimes against hundreds of thousands and millions of undocumented immigrants.
WIAN: Even the Los Angeles Teachers Union is demanding the effective end of immigration law enforcement.
MARC RICH, UNITED TEACHERS, LOS ANGELES (UTLA): We demand full rights for all workers in the United States, documented or undocumented.
WIAN: Organizers claim recent immigration raids have created an atmosphere of racist terror against immigrant communities. In fact, there's evidence the White House has backed off of immigration lawbreakers in recent months.
While the Justice Department's prosecution of immigration crimes is up sharply since 9/11, according to Syracuse University's TRAC Immigration Project, they're actually down 18 percent since 2005.
For most of that year federal prosecutors filed well over 3,000 immigration cases each month, peaking at about 4,500 in September 2005. Then they declined steadily to just 2,690 in November 2006, the last month for which numbers are available...