Tweets to Neha Shastry

Neha Shastry's avatar
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Neha Shastry
Independent Filmmaker + Writer. Moving images in @natgeo @disneyplus @cnn @vicenews @ajenglish. Currently making a feature doc at Story Syndicate.
Tweets to this user:
Tess Owen's avatar
From @misstessowen
Or if you do insist on being a troll, please kindly refrain from doing so in my mentions
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NehaShastry: "troll" = dissenter. Many bloggers like Tess can't stand being criticized (it goes back to how they were raised). Like Trump they seek to quash dissent. MT @misstessowen Or if you do insist on being a troll, please kindly refrain from doing so in my mentions
Neha Shastry's avatar
From @NehaShastry
@24AheadDotCom_ @misstessowen I frankly don’t know what you’re talking about. Tess is citing facts, they’re not up for debate.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NehaShastry: I went into the @misstessowen "facts" in another tweet. My tweet to you is about her "Or if you do insist on being a troll, please kindly refrain from doing so in my mentions". "Troll" is a broad term covering pranksters, critics, dissenters, etc...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NehaShastry: e.g., lots of Breitbart commenters call me a "troll" when I show Trump wrong in comments. The MSM & @misstessowen use "troll" in a similar way. The goal is always the same: to silence dissent.