Virginia Employers for "Sensible" Immigration Policy

A new group of businesses has been formed to oppose anti-illegal immigration laws in their state, called "Virginia Employers for Sensible Immigration Policy". One of the organizers is Julia Ciarlo Hammond, state director of the National Federation of Independent Business. They'll supposedly only focus on measures affecting employers, and they state that they want to follow the law, they just don't want undue burdens. But, don't they all.

The coalition includes some of the most influential industries in the state, including many that rely heavily on low-cost and migrant labor. The group includes home builders, contractors, hog and poultry growers, retailers, truckers, the hospitality industry and the state Chamber of Commerce.

A purported list of their members is here:

Note that they point out that the majority of campaign contributions from the various groups are to Republicans, as the same time that many at that site play their own very small role in enabling illegal immigration through various statements such as calling those who oppose illegal activity names.

National names on the list are Pilgrim's Pride Corporation, Smithfield Foods, and Tyson Foods.


Have the interests of the American middle class ever been fought for and won? Even by mistake?

The American Middle class will be dead within 10 years and the system of mexico/third world will be the rule, meaning mass poor with some rich, it comes down to the numbers of 3-7-90 3 percent rich 7 percent cops/military 90 poor with 30 percent in prison the USA Will still have its name but will become a third world hell, the political system will be evil and the rulers will be drug dealers and all the ruling class will be little hitlers/castro, and many will be mexican living in mexico city but will rule you from that place of evil. that is the plan of the one world people and the ideals of the world's corporation's and all owned by some third world muslims. buy guns.

Fred Dawes, The nation will be lost if people embrace the negativity you spout. America is ours ... the hard-working middle class, the small business owners, the taxpayers. We need to fight for it. Time is running out, but all is not lost. If enough people get involved, we can recover from all this socialist, PC nonsense. Everyone get involved. Go to Richmond. Stand up and fight!