Tweets to RevDaniel

RevDaniel's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Toronto, ON
Jesus, justice & a side of jazz hands! Anglican priest ✝️ Gay married 🏳️‍🌈 Anglophile 🇬🇧 Canadian 🇨🇦 He/him #FaithfullyLGBT Married @thetastate
Tweets to this user:
Kim Campbell's avatar
From @AKimCampbell
I have deleted my tweet about the hurricane & Mar a Lago and sincerely apologize to all it offended. It was intend…
Vern Demerest's avatar
From @TxAv8r
@AKimCampbell A real apology would have included, "What I said was wrong, beyond the pale, and I'm seeking treatmen…
RevDaniel's avatar
From @RevDaniel
@TxAv8r @AKimCampbell Inhuman and grotesque are words that should be reserved for things like...oh...children in ca…
Stacey's avatar
From @staymich
@AKimCampbell As I prepare for what could possibly be a catastrophic storm in South Florida, I find it highly offen…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @AKimCampbell I have deleted my tweet about the hurricane & Mar a Lago and sincerely apologize to all it offended. It was intended as sarcasm-not a serious wish of harm. Throwaway lines get a life of their own on Twitter. I shd know better. Mea culpa.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@staymich: to *really* undercut AKimCampbell to her fans, organize an effort to go to her public appearances and ask her tough policy questions about her tenure as PM. I mean *policy* questions designed to undercut her *to her base*.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RevDaniel: you enable @AKimCampbell wishing harm on fellow humans. Neither of you are smart or sane enough to help undercut Trump - Donald Trump! - to his base. One wonders who - if any - you could show wrong.