smithfield foods
smithfield foods: Page 1
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Virginia Employers for "Sensible" Immigration Policy - 12/23/07
A new group of businesses has been formed to oppose anti-illegal immigration laws in their state, called "Virginia Employers for Sensible Immigration Policy". One of the organizers is Julia Ciarlo Hammond, state director of the National Federation of Independent Business. They'll supposedly only focus on measures affecting employers, and they state that they want to follow the law, they just don't want undue burdens. But, don't they all.
The coalition includes some of the most influential industries in the state, including many that rely heavily on low-cost and migrant labor. The group...
Crooked Towns: Brent Wistrom/Wichita Eagle on Liberal, Kansas - 09/02/07
Next in our series of "Crooked Towns Stories" is "Hispanic influx gives Liberal, Kan., a new face" by Brent Wistrom of the Wichita Eagle: