Swift slabs of pro-illegal immigration propaganda

Various news sources have been working overtime to spin the recent Swift & Company immigration raids as a case of the evil ICE (called in at least one article "INS") oppressing poor undocumented workers. The motivations for this may vary and may include: those illegal aliens make money for persons linked to those media sources, or those sources look on them as a market, or they're trying to support the Democrats and the "comprehensive immigration reform" with which they're linked, or out of ethnic solidarity. In the case of local reports, the papers may be thinking of the "local economy".

An early report from Roxana Hegeman of the Associated Press was previously discussed.

Others include:

* "Immigrants' Families Figuring Out What to Do After Federal Raids" by Julia Preston/New York Times (link; discussed here; write public *at* nytimes.com)

* "Mom, kids spend 3 days in agony" by Jennifer Jacobs/Des Moines Register (link; discussed here)

* "Food, items donated to raid families" by Dan Browning/Minneapolis Star-Tribune (link; discussed here; the original title of the article may have been "A helping hand after a week of fear")

* "Raid rattles workers and life along Hwy. 60" by Chao Xiong and Richard Meryhew/Minneapolis Star-Tribune (link; discussed here)


read jeebie he is dead on.

Tom, the sad thing is this group will probably have volunteers who will help these criminals further work the US social systems.

That's a start, llih. Those who want illegal immigrants to be in the U.S. can be the ones who pick up the tab.

Where's the relief fund for all the victims of identity theft? For the American families that had no jobs, because they were stolen by the criminals? Who will feed the legal children of the American victims?

Swift, NO amount of spin will restore whatever good name you imagine you might have had. Just another example of a sleazy crime infested company with the ethics of ENRON or Al Capone. Organized crime? The class-action lawyers are coming after you now, the court will tell us if you are guilty. You should have set up a fund for the victims of your employees, not for the criminals. Wrong. Unethical. Un-American. Bad P.R. Do you comprehend this? I doubt it. Better hire better spin doctors next time, if you are still in business after the lawyers get through with you.

Please, no more sob stories for the criminals until we demonstrate compassion for their American victims, first. I will never again donate to the United Way, because of this. The lawbreakers have gotten just what they deserved. Had they any ethics, any character, any morality, they would have never broken into this country in the first place. If they learn nothing else, learn this...crime has consequences. I am proud of our law enforcement agencies for doing this. Now hang your heads in well-deserved shame and go home. Don't come back.

Heck I just read the following:

Rocky Mountain News

The United Way of Weld County today established a fund to help the families affected by Tuesday