Tweets to Heather Hughson

Heather Hughson's avatar
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Heather Hughson
Recovering academic (PhD poli sci) now @wahdycapital. Democracy, institutional design/reform, and Oxford commas. 🇨🇦 🇺🇲 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 politics. Staff to @PercyFuzzyboots
Tweets to this user:
Heather Hughson's avatar
From @HNHughson
@Policy So you can discern fact from fiction to prevent disinformation from being spread about. You just choose not to do it
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Pro-censorship at a Honecker level... *and* she thinks Twitter is not just competent but omniscient. MT @HNHughson [to Twitter] So you can discern fact from fiction to prevent disinformation from being spread about. You just choose not to do it
Heather Hughson's avatar
From @HNHughson
@oneunderscore__ @BrandyZadrozny Wow this is some great reporting, I had seen Epoch Times around and assumed they w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HNHughson: as a PhD, is it that you know @oneunderscore__ is the modern-day equivalent of a preacher burning Elvis records (or a Honecker without power) and support his attempts to quash debate, or that you can't figure that out?
julie k. brown's avatar
From @jkbjournalist
BREAKING: Trump campaign, Mar-a-Lago, hit with federal subpeonas. Feds want to know more about Chinese massage parl…
Heather Hughson's avatar
From @HNHughson
@jkbjournalist @NickNehamas @jayhweaver @ceostroff @Blaskey_S Can Miami Herald officially replace NYTimes as one of…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HNHughson lionizes (to put it kindly) Miami Herald & @jkbjournalist (who blog "Feds want to know more about Chinese massage parlor owner's role in Trump fundraising"). After so many similar things not working, have you gotten the clue that such things don't work against Trump?